Route 1 Pedestrian Signals
Project Status: Underway
Estimated Cost: $1.5 million
Start Date: 4th Quarter, 2025
Estimated End Date: 1st Quarter, 2026
Magisterial District: Fairfield
The County of Henrico will be constructing accommodations to increase pedestrian access and connectivity. The following improvements will be constructed, including:
New pedestrian signals, crosswalks, push buttons, refuge islands, and intersection lighting at the following intersections:
- Route 1 and Virginia Center Parkway
- Route 1 and Technology Park Drive
- Route 1 and Woodman Road/JEB Stuart Parkway
- Route 1 and VA Center Marketplace/former Virginia Center Commons Entrance
Estimated Schedule: (Month Year)
- Design is anticipated to begin 3rd Quarter, 2024