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Building Inspections Records (FOIA)

fill out online form   Online
available in person   In Person

Request information from the Department of Building Constructions and Inspections.  Information available includes copies of plans, permits, inspection reports and certificates of occupancy, and construction and permit data.  Please note that residential plans are only available for 10 years after the construction date of the dwelling.


The fee for this service, if paper copies are requested, is on a per copy basis:
8-1/2 x 11 = $0.15
8-1/2 x 14 = $0.25
11 x 17 = $0.25
Large plan sheet = $1.00

The fee for large data sets will be assessed per request.

Please fill out the form below and select “Submit” when complete. We will respond to your request within 5 business days. You will be notified if there is a fee assessed.

Contact Us

Building Inspections FOIA Requests
(804) 501-4360

Building Inspections

Physical Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4360
Automated Permit System
(804) 501-7770

Mailing Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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