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Civil Celebrants

available online   Online
available in person   In Person

Instructions for Filing Petition to Celebrate the Rights of Marriage

A civil celebrant is a person authorized by the Circuit Court to perform and officiate a legal marriage ceremony.

*See Virginia Code Sections 20-25 and 32.1-267

Form CC-1498

  • You must be a Henrico County resident
  • You need a copy of your driver’s license with a Henrico address and/or other proof of address
  • There is a $56 filing fee (cash, check, money order or Visa/Mastercard credit/debit card). A 2% convenience fee will be applied to any credit/ debit card transactions
  • You should apply at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to the wedding ceremony
  • Once the Petition is granted and the Order is signed by the Judge, a clerk will call you to make an appointment for you to appear and post the $500.00 bond (payable by cash or check only). Once that is done, the clerk will explain how to complete the marriage license and obtain a refund of your bond

Contact Us

Circuit Court Clerk

Delivery Address
4309 E. Parham Road
Courthouse Bldg, Rm 240
Henrico, VA 23228

General Information
(804) 501-4202

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


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