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What is Envirothon?

Students who participate in Envirothon learn stewardship and management concepts and work to solve real and hypothetical environmental problems.  The program is field-oriented, community based, and gives students the opportunity to work with natural resource professionals.

Who makes up a team and what do they do?

Envirothon is a tiered series of competitions.  Students work in teams of five students.  Throughout the school year, students prepare to compete at the local (county) level.  Winners of the local competition advance to compete at the Area level.  The top three teams from the six Areas in the state compete to be the State Winner.  The team winning the state competition then advances to the national North American Envirothon.  These teams of high school students are tested on their knowledge of natural resources- soils, forestry, wildlife, aquatics and a current environmental issue.  Students visit five “in-the-field” test stations where written and hands-on problem solving is required along with an oral presentation formulating a strategy for addressing an environmental issues problem.

How does this work?

The local countywide Henrico competition and program is sponsored and administered by Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District.  Henricopolis will provide training opportunities to prepare Henrico teams for their local competition.  Henricopolis staff will also assist with registration and administrative duties associated with having the winning Henrico team participate in the Area competition.  Staff will provide coaches with pertinent and relevant information related to the program.

How do I start a team?

Each team must have a team coach. Interested students must identify a coach, whether it be a teacher, club leader, parent or other adult. 

Please contact the office at (804) 501-5175 or [email protected] for more information.

Congratulations to the 2023 Envirothon Teams from Highland Springs  School and Glen Allen High School.


Resources for Coaches




Henricopolis has several resource trunks available for loan to Henrico Envirothon coaches. These bags contain additional training resources, including ID books and guides, videos, maps, water monitoring kits, and more. Trunks are available to Henrico Envirothon Coaches on a first-request basis. Teams competing in the Henricopolis Envirothon receive a bag for the duration of the Envirothon season. 

How to Receive this Service




Contact Us

Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District

Henricopolis SWCD
8600 Dixon Powers Drive
Henrico, VA 23228

Main Office
Stacey Sovick


Henricopolis SWCD
P.O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273


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