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Henrico CERT Training

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If you are a current CERT member and you would like to log volunteer hours please go to Current CERT Member Volunteer Hours

The Henrico County Community Emergency Response Team (HCCERT) trains citizens to provide immediate assistance after disasters, when local public safety resources may be overwhelmed. Members learn essential skills such as first aid, search and rescue, and fire suppression. More importantly, HCCERT members learn how to prepare for a disaster long before it occurs.

By being prepared and knowing how to respond, HCCERT members can assist their families, friends, neighbors, or coworkers after a disaster until help arrives.

Course Overview

The Henrico CERT Basic Training course follows a hybrid format: an introductory class, a 9-unit online course, and an all-day hands-on training session known as Super Saturday. Participants must complete both the online and in-person components to receive certification. Classes are held twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Introductory Class

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Overview of the Henrico CERT Program
  • Meet the instructors and support staff

Online Course

  • Approximate completion time: 12 hours
  • Self-paced, 9-unit course
  • Registration details are available in the documents section below

Super Saturday

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Hands-on practical training to reinforce online course content

    If you would like to receive information about upcoming classes, please fill out the “CERT Training Student Information Form” below.

    Please refer to the “HCCERT Membership Overview” located in the documents section below for details on participant requirements.


CERT Training Student Information Form

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