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Short-Term Rental

available online   Online
available in person   In Person

In response to the growing popularity of the short-term rental of private, single-family residences, the County of Henrico has adopted regulations to legalize and help ensure the safe operation of this type of lodging. 

Beginning July 1st, 2020, registered homeowners may apply to rent space in their homes to guests for stays of less than thirty days.  The process involves zoning approval, a change of use permit, and finally online registration.


The annual registry fee is $200.  If a Conditional Use Permit is required for zoning approval, there is a $300.00 application fee.  

How to Receive this Service

  1. Complete the Short-Term Rental Application and Rental Residency Affidavit listed above under Documents.
  2. Create a new Change of Use (COU) request in our Build Henrico permitting system. If visiting Build Henrico for the first time, you’ll need to register for an account
  3. Upload the completed Short-Term Rental Application and Rental Residency Affidavit listed above and upload them to the COU case created in step 2.
  4. Once zoning approval has been granted, a permit number will be provided so that the short-term rental online registration process may be completed.


Questions about this service and the steps involved should be directed to [email protected]

Contact Us

(804) 501-7280
[email protected]

Permit Center

Permit Center - West
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

Permit Center - East
3820 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223

(804) 501-7280

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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