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Richmond Regional Planning District Commission

Purpose: Strengthen the quality of life throughout the Richmond Region by serving as a regional forum of member local governments to address issues of regional significance, providing technical assistance to localities, and promoting & enhancing the collective consensus on the economic, transportation, social, environmental and demographic interests of the Region

Board of Supervisors
Hon. Roscoe D Cooper III
Hon. Tyrone E. Nelson
Hon. Jody K Rogish
Hon. Misty D. Roundtree
Hon. Daniel J. Schmitt
Citizen At-Large
Mr. Chris Bast
Planning Commission
Mr. William M. Mackey Jr.

Terms: 4

Meeting Dates: 2nd Thursday

Meeting Time: 9 a.m.

Meeting Location: 424 Hull Street, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23224

Contact: Martha Heeter Executive Director 804-323-2033 [email protected]

Contact Us

Board of Supervisors

(804) 501-4208

(804) 501-5361

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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