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Community Criminal Justice Board

Community Criminal Justice Board Homepage

Purpose: Operate pretrial supervision services, post-trial supervision services, community service program, substance abuse assessment testing & treatment, restitution monitoring collection & payment services, home incarceration services, electronic monitoring, and Criminal Justice Planning and Evaluation services

Board of Supervisors
Mr. Michael Y Feinmel
Chief Magistrate
Mr. Robert F. Beard III
Chief of Police
Chief Eric D English
Circuit Court
Hon. Randall G. Johnson Jr.
Commonwealth's Attorney
Hon. Shannon L. Taylor
Criminal Defense Attorney
Mr. Stephen A. Mutnick
Mr. Joseph L. Coleman Jr.
General District Court
Hon. Lauren A. Caudill
Henrico County Public Schools
Mr. Mac R. Beaton
Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court
Hon. Linda Y. Lambert
Mental Health & Developmental Services
Ms. Laura S. Totty
Hon. Alisa A. Gregory
Rev. Marvin Gilliam Jr.

Terms: 2

Meeting Dates: 3rd Friday

Meeting Time: 8 a.m.

Meeting Location: Sheriff's Office Conference Room

Contact Us

Board of Supervisors

(804) 501-4208

(804) 501-5361

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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