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Board of Social Services

Social Services

Purpose: Establishing, reviewing, and revising policy decisions; discretionary power over local funding; preparation and submission of budgets and reports; employment of legal counsel in civil matters; review of programmatic and personnel performance; provision of a variety of child welfare services; placement of children and adults into foster care when appropriate; determination of optional services; interest in all matters pertinent to local social welfare

Membership Criteria: Member from each magisterial district & one Board of Supervisors member

Board of Supervisors
Hon. Misty D. Roundtree
Mrs. Debbie J. Gordon
Mrs. Aljanette A. Hall
Three Chopt
Mrs. Deborah Ann Gribben
Dr. Angela M. Mosley
Rev. Marvin Gilliam Jr.

Terms: 4

Meeting Dates: February 27 April 23 June 25 August 27 October 22 December 17

Meeting Time: 2 p.m.

Meeting Location: 8600 Dixon Powers Dr. Henrico VA 23228

Contact: Michelle Puryear Administrative Assistant 804-501-4063 [email protected]

Contact Us

Board of Supervisors

(804) 501-4208

(804) 501-5361

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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