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Barefoot Puppets presents New Squid on the Block           

April 4, 2024 at 10:00 am - 11:00 am

It can be hard to make friends. Especially if you have tentacles. Journey to Antarctica as a curious squid seeks connection in the most unlikely of places. Penguins, orcas, and jellyfish abound in an icy landscape for this heartwarming tale of friendship. Beautifully handcrafted puppets, an original score by Ned Haskins, and a good dose of silliness combine to create a comedic, wordless performance that celebrates our ability to create connections, despite our differences.

Free! No reservations are required. Recommended for ages 5+.

Information: 804-652-1460.


Recreation and Parks
(804) 501-7275
View Organizer Website


Henrico Theatre
305 E. Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23075
+ Google Map
(804) 652-1460
View Venue Website
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