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Henrico Theatre

305 E. Nine Mile Road | Henrico, VA   23075 | (804) 652-1460 | [email protected]

Henrico Theatre hosts a variety of arts programming and movies for all ages! The theatre and upstairs meeting room are also available to rent.

Purchase Tickets for live shows

View the Movie Schedule ($1 movies!) 

Follow Henrico Theatre on Facebook! 

Hours of Operation

Box Office/Business Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12-4pm

Rental & Program Hours
Monday-Thursday, 8am-10pm
Friday & Saturday, 8am-11pm
Sunday, 1-10pm

Historic Site Historic Site
Private Rental Private Rental
Facility Reservations

The facility has one room available for rent:

  • The Reception Room and Lounge (second floor) has a combined maximum capacity of 60 individuals. Rental of the second floor includes use of the kitchen.
  • Insider Tip: Host a “Movie Birthday Party” by booking your party before a scheduled movie! 

The parking lot has the capacity for 135 vehicles.

Helpful Links

Purchase Tickets
Cultural Arts Programs
Park Tips
Email Signup


Henrico Theatre, located in Highland Springs, originally opened as a movie palace on April 25, 1938. Tickets were $0.25 for adults and $0.10 for children. The Theatre was designated as a bomb shelter during World War II and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1998, Henrico County purchased the property from the Horne family, owners and operators from 1976 to 1998.

Special Features

400-seat Theatre



Nearby Landmarks
Photo Gallery
360 Photos


Click and drag to look around the room. Click the [ ] to view in fullscreen. (Button may not display in Internet Explorer.)





Green Room


Smoking Lounge (1 of 2)


Reception Room


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