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Henrico County Events

Happy Birthday Julie Andrews!

Walkerton Tavern 2892 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA, United States

Who doesn't love Julie Andrews and all the memorable roles she's shared with us over the years! In celebration of her 88th birthday, join us for an afternoon of live […]

Play it Forward

Deep Run Recreation Center 9910 Ridgefield Parkway, Henrico, VA, United States

In honor of Active Aging Week, Henrico Recreation and Parks, Henrico Advocate for the Aging, and Senior Connections will sponsor this intergenerational event connecting seniors with preschoolers. Activities will feature […]

A Man Called Otto Free Movie Screening

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

In honor of Active Aging Week, there will be a free screening of A Man Called Otto at the Henrico Theater, sponsored by Senior Connections, the Capital Area Agency on […]


55+ Community Volunteer Fair

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

In honor of Active Aging Week, the Henrico Advocate for the Aging is coordinating this event to connect individuals 55+ interested in volunteering with over 20+ diverse and local organizations […]

Movie in the Park: A Bug’s Life

Deep Run Park 9900 Ridgefield Pkwy, Henrico, VA

Join us in the park for an outdoor showing of “A Bug's Life.” The movie will begin after sunset, approximately 7:00 p.m. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and a […]

Glen Allen Day 2023

Meadow Farm Museum at Crump Park 3400 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA, United States

The Glen Allen Ruritan Club and Henrico Recreation & Parks are hosting Glen Allen Day at Crump Park and Meadow Farm. Festivities will take place in the park and will […]

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