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Bridge construction to close section of westbound I-64 Sept. 6-8

The Henrico County Department of Public Works advises motorists that bridge construction related to the North Gayton Road Extension Project will affect westbound traffic on a section of Interstate 64 from Tuesday, Sept. 6 to Thursday, Sept. 8.

The westbound lanes of I-64 between mile markers 177 and 175 will close from 9:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. each day while work is under way. Lane mergers starting near mile marker 180 will affect traffic flow beginning at 8 p.m. nightly. Drivers on westbound I-64 will be detoured to the westbound Broad Street/U.S. Route 250 exit.

In addition, the ramp from southbound I-295 will close at exit 53A. Traffic will be detoured to eastbound I-64 and then to the westbound Broad Street/U.S. Route 250 exit.

Detour signs and message boards will be posted. The construction schedule is subject to weather; regular updates will be available at and by calling 511.

Motorists traveling in the area should drive with caution while crews complete the project.

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