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Residents invited to share input to guide Henrico’s next comprehensive plan

Planning to host ‘listening sessions’ July 29-Aug. 20 to receive feedback

Henrico residents are encouraged to help shape the county’s next comprehensive plan by participating in a series of meetings hosted by the Department of Planning in July and August.

Working with its consultants, Planning is preparing a set of draft visions and goals that will provide a foundation for the comprehensive plan and ultimately will present a cohesive vision for Henrico in 2045. The draft visions and goals will be based on input received from the public through a visioning exercise in 2022 and several surveys, including one that was reopened this summer.

The draft visions and goals are expected to be published online Monday, July 29 to coincide with the start of the “listening sessions,” which will be held as follows:

  • Monday, July 29 at Fairfield Area Library, 1401 N. Laburnum Ave.
  • Tuesday, July 30 at Libbie Mill Library, 2100 Libbie Lake East St.
  • Monday, Aug. 12 at Tuckahoe Area Library, 1901 Starling Drive
  • Monday, Aug. 19 at Varina Area Library, 1875 New Market Road
  • Tuesday, Aug. 20 at Twin Hickory Area Library, 5001 Twin Hickory Road

Each meeting will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and include the same presentation; residents are welcome to attend any session to share their feedback. Attendees will be asked whether and how much they support various draft statements. Participants also are encouraged to bring a smartphone or tablet to share their thoughts electronically. Feedback also will be collected manually.

The county’s process to update the comprehensive plan launched in 2021 as HenricoNext and included surveys and other public input. Reports on the county’s socio-demographics and existing conditions in recreation and parks as well as transportation are on the project’s resources webpage.

Henrico’s most recent, major update of the comprehensive plan is Vision 2026. Adopted in 2009, Vision 2026 includes chapters on recommended land uses; natural resources; recreation, parks, open spaces and cultural resources; transportation; and public facilities and utilities. The 2045 plan is expected to cover the same topics and include a focus on pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

Once it is approved by the Board of Supervisors, the plan will serve as the county’s official guide for decisions on development and investments in public facilities and infrastructure.

Henrico Next Listening Sessions Flyer All Districts
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