Hermitage Road Pedestrian and Roadway Improvements
Project Status: Underway
Estimated Cost: TBD
Start Date: TBD
Estimated End Date: TBD
Magisterial District: Brookland
The County of Henrico will be evaluating constructing accommodations to increase pedestrian access and connectivity. The following improvements are being evaluated, including:
- A conceptual study along Hermitage Road that presents conceptual designs for new pedestrian accommodations from Staples Mill Road to Hilliard Road. These may include new sidewalk or other quick-build alternatives to traditional “curb and gutter sidewalks” as interim improvements until a full sidewalk, curb, and gutter can be installed.
- The corridor presents some challenges for building sidewalk with several areas of utilities, drainage work, and floodplain conflicts. This effort will evaluate feasibility and develop cost estimates for different segments throughout the study area and identify short and mid-term options for constructing sidewalk along Hermitage Road.
Estimated Schedule: (Month Year)
- Study began 2nd Quarter, 2024.
- Study completion anticipated 2nd Quarter, 2025.
Progress to Date
A Public Information Meeting will be help held on 2/26/2025, at the Elizabeth Holladay Elementary School Gymnasium from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Project displays and handouts will be available online after the meeting, and the public comment period will close on March 12, 2025.