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Short Pump Park – Dog Park

Project Status: Completed

Estimated Cost: $200,000
Start Date: August 7, 2017
Actual End Date: September 2017

3329 Pump Road
Henrico, VA 23233

Magisterial District:   Three Chopt  

Dog Park Improvements – Summer 2017 (Complete)
The Short Pump Park Dog Park Synthetic Surfacing Project will convert the existing 31,190 square foot grassed/denuded dirt areas of the large and small dog park to synthetic turf.  The construction project will include the installation of a new synthetic grass/surface system designed specifically for dog parks within the existing dog park fenced areas.  The work will include site-work, grading, concrete work, installation of a stone base to support the new synthetic surface and landscape planters.  Other supporting work will be required to complete the project and comply with the land disturbance permit documents.  There will also be installation of two shade structures, trees and benches.

Short Pump Park Expansion – 2016
The original park project, funded by the 2005 Bond Referendum, consisted of construction of a new urban park on the 45 acres at the existing Short Pump Site. The Construction General Contractor was Enviroscape, Inc.

Phase I included new parking, additional trails, a restroom and shelter building, a new play equipment area, a long-awaited dog park, and an irrigated central lawn featuring a fountain of bouncing water jets designed for hot weather play. Approximately 75% of the site remains wooded and natural.

Future phases of development may include additional trails, picnic shelters and renovation of the existing parking lot, athletic fields and restroom/concession building.

For park details, visit Short Pump Park

Progress to Date

September 27, 2017 – Dog Park Re-opened

June 25, 2016 – Short Pump Park Grand Opening



Contact Us

Steve Hart
(804) 501-5117
[email protected]

Recreation and Parks

Physical Address
6800 Staples Mill Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-7275
Inclement Weather Hotline
(804) 501-5132

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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