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Short Pump Park

3329 Pump Road | Henrico, VA   23233

This park includes a dog park, spray fountains, athletic fields, play equipment, picnic facilities, and a restored 1902 two-room schoolhouse.

Picnic Shelter Reservations
Please note, the picnic shelter by the soccer/football field accepts reservations. The picnic shelter by the dog park does not accept reservations.

Short Pump Dog Park
The Short Pump Park Dog Park has separate areas for small and large dogs, each surfaced by a synthetic grass specifically designed for dog parks. For the everyone’s safety and enjoyment of the dog park, please follow the Dog Park Regulations:

  • Dog owners are legally responsible for their dogs at all times.
  • Dog parks are for use by dog owners and their dogs only.
  • All dog owners must have current license tags available and dogs free of contagious diseases and parasites.
  • Dog handlers must be in view and in control of their dog(s) at all times. Dog handlers must be 16 years of age or older.
  • Children ages 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Prohibited: dogs in heat, sick dogs, aggressive dogs, gum, smoking, and glass containers.

Spray Park Guidelines: Get Wet, Have Fun, & Be Safe

  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • Swim diapers are required if necessary
  • Climbing on water features is prohibited.
  • Pets are not permitted.
  • Running, skating, and cycling are not permitted.
  • Food, drinks, glass containers, and smoking are prohibited.
  • Swimwear and water shoes are recommended.
Hours of Operation

Open daily from dawn to dusk.

Spray Park 
Open through September 15, 2024. Will re-open in May 2025.
Operating hours: 9am-7pm.
Season subject to change, weather permitting.

Baseball/Softball Baseball/ Softball
Concession Concession
Historic Site Historic Site
Open Play Area Open Play Area
Picnic Area Picnic Area
Picnic Reservations Picnic Reservations
Picnic Shelter Picnic Shelter
Play Equipment Play Equipment
Restrooms Restrooms
Soccer/Football Soccer/ Football
Spray park Spray Park
Helpful Links

Short Pump Park Map
Reserve a Picnic Shelter
Park Tips

Special Features

Restored 1902 Schoolhouse

Dog Park

Spray Park

History Wall


Nearby Landmarks
Photo Gallery
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