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Solar Photovoltaic System – MHDS East Center Roof

Project Status: Completed

Estimated Cost: 0
Start Date: May 2019
Actual End Date: November 2019

3908 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223

Magisterial District:   Varina  

Henrico County has partnered with Sun Tribe Solar to design and install a rooftop solar system consisting of 680 solar panels at the Mental Health and Developmental Services East Center. Sun Tribe Solar will install, operate, and maintain the system and sell the solar electricity back to Henrico County at a reduced rate compared to grid electricity. Over the next 25 years, the MHDS East Center is estimated to save over $300,000 for Henrico taxpayers while harnessing up to 100% of its electricity from its new 272 kiloWatt solar system. 

Progress to Date

Installation began in early September 2019 and was completed by November 2019.

Contact Us

Carrie Webster
(804) 501-5763
[email protected]

General Services

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


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