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Virginia Center Commons Design Charrette

Project Status: Study

Magisterial District:   Fairfield  



WHAT IS A CHARRETTE?  A charrette is an intensive planning session where citizens, designers and others collaborate on a vision for development.  It provides a forum for ideas and offers the unique advantage of giving immediate feedback to the designers.  More importantly, it allows everyone who participates to be a mutual author of the plan.  You can explore previous charrettes conducted by the county by following this link:  Public Design Charrettes webpage

WHAT IS THE STUDY AREA?  The study area generally includes Virginia Center Commons mall and surrounding properties east of Brook Road.  A map of the area is linked below. 

HOW DID THE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATE?  There were multiple opportunities for the public to contribute:

  • Charette Kick-Off and Hands-On Design Session
    The design team provided an informative presentation on planning and community revitalization.  Following the presentation, neighbors and stakeholders worked together to draw their vision for the future of the study area.
  • Open Design Studio
    Dozens of interested residents stopped in the studio to talk with the design team to provide input as the plan evolved.  This was a unique opportunity to provide feedback as the initial plan ideas were developed.
  • Work-In-Progress Presentation
    Neighbors saw the work completed during the charrette week and the draft ideas for the study area’s future at a “wrap-up” presentation.

WHO SHOULD I CONTACT WITH QUESTIONS?  You can contact Ben Sehl at (804) 501-5226.  You can also visit the Planning Department’s website at for more information.

Contact Us

Ben Sehl
(804) 501-5226
[email protected]


Physical Address
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4602

(804) 501-4379

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Additional Contact Info  


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