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Park Amenities


Picnic Area
Picnic tables available.


Picnic Reservations
Shelter is available for individuals and organizations to reserve.


picnic shelter

Picnic Shelters
Available for community use. Groups with reservations have first priority.


exercise trail

Exercise Trail
Exercise equipment spaced along the trail for an extra workout.



Hiking Trail
Cleared trail for walking or running.



Park includes a lake or river access for fishing.


river access

River access
Park is located next to the James River and provides access points for fishing, canoes/kayaks, and boats.


open play area

Open Play Area
Large grassy fields for open play.


play equipment

Play Equipment
Playground equipment for children.


spray park

Spray Park
Spray Park is available.



Baseball Field
Park includes one or more baseball fields.



Basketball Court
Park or facility has one or more basketball courts.


disc golf

Disc Golf
Park has disc golf course.



Football Field
Park has one or more football fields.



Pickleball Courts
Park has pickleball courts.



Tennis Court
Park or facility has one or more tennis courts.



Concession stands onsite, open during sporting events.


private rental

Private Rental
Recreation facility is available for individual or organizations to rent for private use.


recreation center

Recreation Center
Park includes a Recreation/Community Center onsite that may hold classes, tours, or rentals.



Park or Facility has restrooms.


historic site

Historic Site
Park includes a Historic Site or feature that may offer tours at designated times and events.


Contact Us

Recreation and Parks

Physical Address
6800 Staples Mill Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-7275
Inclement Weather Hotline
(804) 501-5132

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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