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family support

available online  Online   
available over the phone  Telephone   
available via mail  Via Mail   
available via fax  Via Fax   
available in person  In Person   
pay near me  Pay Near Me

Developmental Services

Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services is committed to delivering high quality services. Programs are licensed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services. Professional staff includes case managers, intellectual disability specialists, clinical social workers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and prevention specialists. Extensive supervision and consultation is provided to all staff and professional development is required. Ongoing evaluation of programs is conducted to assure high quality services.
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available over the phone
available via mail
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available in person
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Youth & Family Case Management

Youth and Family Case Management is a service designed to achieve and maintain the stability of youth within the community by assessing their needs, linking them to needed services, coordinating with any involved service providers, and monitoring their overall progress.
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