$24 million approved for Libraries

The bond issue for libraries provided $24 million for a new Fairfield Area Library. The library opened in October 2019 on North Laburnum Avenue, across from the Eastern Henrico Recreation Center, and features 44,803 square feet of space across its two levels – more than double the size of the former Fairfield Area Library. The new facility is certified LEED Gold and is comparable to Henrico’s other modern area libraries, including Twin Hickory and Tuckahoe.
Referendum Question
Shall Henrico County, Virginia, be authorized to contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $24,000,000 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991 to finance the construction, renovation, remodeling, furnishing, and equipping of library facilities, and the acquisition of land necessary for such facilities?
Approved by voters: 118,697 votes “yes” to 39,554 votes “no.”