$87.1 million approved for Parks
The projects for Henrico’s parks system included new and improved facilities as well as upgraded high school athletic fields to expand public access and support sports tourism.
- Glover Park – improvements to complete the park’s second and final phase of construction with additional athletic fields and a stadium
- Dorey Park – improvements, including a new spray park and a baseball field upgraded to a stadium, completed in June 2023
- Cheswick Park – renovations
- Tuckahoe Park – additional athletic fields and a new entrance on Ridgefield Parkway
- Tuckahoe Creek Park
- Three Lakes Park – renovations
- Taylor Farm Park – a new 99-acre complex on East Williamsburg Road in Sandston, with athletic fields, trails and playgrounds
- Deep Run Park – improvements, including a field renovation, new restroom building, fitness center addition, paving of new and existing trails and a parking lot repaving, completed in June 2023
- High school athletic fields – upgraded athletic fields at Henrico’s high schools now open for public use

Referendum Question
Shall Henrico County, Virginia, be authorized to contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $87,100,000 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991 to finance the construction, renovation, remodeling, furnishing, and equipping of recreation and park facilities, and the acquisition of land necessary for such facilities?
Approved by voters: 120,884 votes “yes” to 37,418 votes “no”