$272.6 million approved for Schools

New/Expanded Schools
The bonds supported the construction or expansion of several schools.
- J.R. Tucker High School – replaced 1963 building
- Highland Springs High School – replaced 1952 building
- Holladay Elementary School – capacity expansion
- Glen Allen Elementary – capacity expansion
Renovated Schools
The bonds also supported the renovation of school facilities. Forty-one of Henrico’s 72 schools — or 57% — are at least 50 years old.
- Tuckahoe Middle School – built in 1958
- Seven Pines Elementary School – built in 1959
- Skipwith Elementary School – built in 1957
- Chamberlayne Elementary School – built in 1961
- Crestview Elementary School – built in 1955
- Pemberton Elementary School – built in 1955
- Adams Elementary School – built in 1966
Referendum Question
Shall Henrico County, Virginia, be authorized to contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $272,600,000 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991 to finance school projects and the Henrico County School Board’s capital improvement program, including capital improvements to schools, furnishing and equipping of schools, acquisition of future school sites, and such other construction, renovations and improvements as may be required by the actual educational needs in Henrico County?
Approved by voters: 133,357 votes “yes” to 25,473 votes “no”