Who is Eligible for the Recovery Court?

Goals of Henrico County Recovery Court

Goal 1: To expedite the adjudication of individuals referred for supervision who are eligible for Recovery Court.

Goal 2: To increase successful rehabilitation of Recovery Court participants through a combination of intensive treatment, community supervision and judicial supervision.

Goal 3: To achieve a reduction in recidivism among participants who complete the Recovery Court program.

*Probation violators and other felony charges
*Must be appearing before the circuit court on a show cause hearing (other criminal charges considered)
*All violent crimes will be looked at on a case by case basis
*No convictions of sex crimes
*No current gang affiliation
*Severe Substance Use Disorders (moderate considered based on needs)
*Incarcerated for less than 120 days
*Strict adherence to the recovery court behavior contract

Henrico County Recovery Court uses a five phase approach. Participants are encouraged to earn their advancement through each of the program’s phases. Advanced phases are increasingly less structured and mark milestones on the client’s road to recovery.

Contact Us

Recovery Court

We are located at:
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico, VA 23228



Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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