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Hispanic/Latino Heritage


Henrico Celebrates Sept. 15 – Oct. 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month


In 1968, Americans began observing Hispanic American heritage and contributions. Sept. 15 marks the beginning of a period of celebratory remembrance as Latin American countries began gaining their independence. Oct. 12 is Día de la Raza or Day of the Race – a celebration of the mixed indigenous and European heritage of Mexico that began in 1928.  

National Hispanic American Heritage Month, also known as Hispanic Heritage Month, has been observed from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 as a national holiday since 1988. We continue to honor and recognize the important contributions, diverse cultures and inseparable history of individuals whose lineage is connected to Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. 

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month – 2024 Events

People raising their hands and guitar to the sky

Hispanic Heritage Month: Familia Fiesta & More

Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, and Henrico County Public Library is excited to invite you to programs that celebrate cultures and traditions from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Find creative cultural events and read more on the Henrico County Public Library Hispanic Heritage Month: Familia Fiesta & More blog.

Virginia Fiesta 2024, Saturday, Sept. 21 2-7 p.m., free admission, 2809 Emorywood Parkway, Henrico, VA 23294

¡Virginia Fiesta! – Saturday, Sept. 21 – 2-7 p.m.

Radio Poder 1380AM is ready to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and you’re invited to join the Fiesta! For the third year, ¡Virginia Fiesta! will be a celebration of the Latino/Hispanic cultures in Virginia. The day will include a community fair, vendors, food trucks, cultural performances, Children Story time, an opportunity to see our studios and more! For table space or to become a sponsor [email protected].

Radio Poder 1380AM está lista para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y ¡Estás invitado a unirte a la Fiesta! Por tercer año, ¡Virginia Fiesta! Será una celebración de las culturas Latinas/Hispanas en Virginia. ¡El día incluirá una feria comunitaria, vendedores, camiones de comida, presentaciones culturales, hora de cuentos para niños, la oportunidad de ver nuestros estudios y más! Para espacio de mesa o para convertirse en patrocinador [email protected].

Text: Salsa at Sunset, image two salsa dancers, palm trees

Salsa at Sunset – Thursday, Sept. 12 – 5:30-8:30 p.m.

In honor of the upcoming Hispanic Heritage Month, Henrico County Recreation & Parks is celebrating with a salsa night at Deep Run Park! Bring your whole family or a date for an evening of group instruction, food trucks, and dancing at sunset.

Bring a chair, water bottle, and dancing feet as we turn our parking lot into a dance hall!

Contact [email protected] for information. Details

Radio Poder 1380 AM Persona de Poder – Saturday, Oct. 12 – 2-6 p.m.

Persona De Poder 2024

Radio Poder is honoring individuals who have contributed to the advancement and development of Virginia’s immigrant and Latino communities through example, word, and action. We call them “Persona De Poder” (Person of Will and Power).

The celebration is open to the public and will include live cultural performances. Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture, 428 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd., Richmond, VA 23220. For more information, visit

Radio Poder 1380 AM – Persona de Poder

2023 is the 17th anniversary of Radio Poder 1380 AM. The station and community celebrated by recognizing individuals who have contributed to the advancement and development of Virginia’s immigrant and Latino communities through example, word, and action. We call them “Persons of will and power.” 

Anita Nadal Persona De Poder

Afro Latina Henrico resident Anita Nadal was honored at Persona de Poder. The assistant professor of Spanish at the VCU School of World Studies will led a discussion on the Underground Railroad to Mexico at Twin Hickory Area during Hispanic Heritage Month in 2023.

The program was offered as part of the Henrico County Public Library’s commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month.


Officer C.J. Luis-Ceballos, Henrico County Police Division

Please share something that is meaningful to you about your Hispanic heritage

For me, the most meaningful [aspect of] my Hispanic heritage is how close we are to our families. I’m from Venezuela, which is located on top of South America. We are part of the Caribbean. Our number one sport is baseball. We love to dance salsa, merengue, reggaeton and other local types of music. Our types of food come from Spain, local tribes and the Caribbean. My name is Carlos, and I’m one of five Carloses in my family. My mom calls us by both names to be able to differentiate us. We are [a] very happy and welcoming people, despite the adversities that the country is going through at this time. 

Please tell us about your family heritage.  

My family is Spanish descendants. My grandfather migrated to Venezuela in the 1950s, when the country of Spain was going through rough times and Venezuela was an economically growing country. 

Please share how you came to the county, your agency/role and what you value about being with the county.  

I came to the U.S. in the year of 2000. I was 12 years of age. I went to middle school and high school and graduated from Freeman High in 2006. I work with the Henrico Police Division. Ever since I came to [the] U.S. and saw the first Henrico police officer, I always said I wanted to be one of them. What I value about being with the county is the diversity of people that we have. I hope that we can learn from each other and make the county of Henrico a better county than what it is now. 

Firefighter Octavio McNally, Division of Fire

Please share something that is meaningful to you about your Hispanic heritage

We are all connected through music. I love music, such as salsa, bachata and reggaeton! When you add the music with authentic food and a reunion of family and friends, I am in paradise.   

Please tell us about your family heritage. 

I was born in Miami, Florida, son to a Cuban father, Orestes, and a Nicaraguense mother, Esperanza. My name is Octavio (pronounced Ohk-TAH-vee-oh), and many can’t pronounce it how my parents did all my life, but that’s OK. I always try and teach those who are interested in learning, but most fail, and that’s OK too because we always get a good laugh out of it. I am known throughout the Division of Fire as O.C. I am a proud Hispanic-American, as I was born in the United States, son of Latinos who immigrated to Florida in the ’80s to make a better life for themselves and our family.   

Please share how you came to the county, your agency/role and what you value about being with the county.  

In 2008, many changes were occurring in my life. I discovered a passion for the fire service, and the economy had taken a turn for the worst. Luckily, I had grown close to a friend who had nothing but great things to say about Henrico and Hanover Fire; she had been rescued during a vehicle accident by Henrico Fire Station 5 personnel. I decided to take a chance, and move my family to Henrico County, becoming a volunteer with Hanover County Fire Station 6 and [beginning] my journey in becoming a paid firefighter with Henrico County. Currently, I serve as a firefighter paramedic with Henrico County, and I have been employed for over 10 years. I value Henrico County’s policy when it comes to not charging for medical transport, their support in me furthering my education and the support I receive in maintaining certifications needed to better perform my duties. 

Cristina Ramirez, Henrico County Public Library

Please share something that is meaningful to you about your Hispanic heritage

The gift of being Hispanic/Latina/Spanish-speaking is that my parents gave me the gift to talk to, understand, connect with and work with 585 million Spanish speakers from over 20 countries. We share common roots, culture, histories and experiences. I can use my heritage in my profession as [a] librarian and in my work at HCPL. I feel Spanish in my blood and dream in Spanish. That has given me the ability and desire to study other languages and learn about other cultures. It is a gift that allows me to connect with more diverse patrons and promote and represent Latinos in my community service and work outside Henrico County. Because I have a seat at the table, I try to fight for more representation to offer those who don’t have voices more visibility. 

Names are really important and have a power. I always introduce myself pronouncing my name the way my family and I pronounce it, i.e. the correct way, and not the Americanized and Anglicized way. Cristina is spelled without an ‘h’ because if you put an ‘h’ in it, it does not mean anything in Spanish.  

I teach people the meaning of my name. It comes from the Greek for Messiah or Annointed One. My mother’s surname, Dominguez, means ‘son of Domingo’ and it comes from the Latin for Lord. My father’s surname, Ramirez, means son of Ramon. It is Germanic in origin and means wise counsel. Explaining the meaning of my name shows others how complex and layered our backgrounds are. 

This opens up a deeper conversation for those of the majority culture and language to understand that there are other ways of saying things, doing things and seeing the world. It also affords other minorities an opportunity to feel heard and seen. 

Please tell us about your family heritage. 

My mother is from Segovia, Spain and my father is Mexican-American from Bishop, Texas. I grew up speaking, listening to and understanding two different Spanish dialects and in two Latino cultures. We only spoke Spanish at home and that gave me the strength of language in both English and Spanish as I am a native speaker of both. My mother is from a small town in Castilla Y Leon which started out as a Celtic settlement, then a Roman military fort, then controlled by numerous other groups and communities, such as the Visigoths, Muslims and Jews. I have a unique heritage, as my father is also descended from the Sefardi Jews that left Spain after the Inquisition and moved to Nuevo Leon, Mexico. From the intermarriage and mixing of other Spaniards, Mexican indigenous communities, my father’s heritage gifted me being part of Native America. 

Please share how you came to the county, your agency/role and what you value about being with the county.  

I moved to Richmond, Virginia for a job after I finished my MLS (Master in Library Science) degree from Catholic University in D.C. I have been a professional librarian since 2005 and transitioned from academic bibliographer to public library manager. I have been working with Henrico County since 2016 and was the branch manager of the Sandston Library and then the assistant area library manager of the Varina Area Library. Henrico County offers a lot of resources, amazing buildings and spaces, and has the customer service orientation to serve its residents with excellent services. 

Henrico Christmas Mother 2022 Maria Bagley

Henrico Christmas Mother 2022 Maria Vidal Bagley is the first Hispanic Henrico Christmas Mother. Coming to the U.S. as refugee with her family in 1962 inspired her life in community service.

Women’s History: Officer Heidi Rojas Barton

HCPL Storytime: Firefighter Octavio McNally

The Henrico Way: Cristina Ramirez

2022 HCPS John Vithoulkas Community Impact Award

Community service is instinctive for Henrico resident Oscar Contreras, a program host and marketing specialist for the Spanish-language station Radio Poder WBTK 1380 AM. Contreras was presented the 2022 HCPS John Vithoulkas Community Impact Award by county government and Schools officials in a ceremony at J.R. Tucker High School.

Intercultural Liaison Partnership Strengthens Relationship Between Police & Community

Through the Intercultural Liaison Partnership, the Henrico County Police Division assigns community liaison officers to work with multicultural communities to identify and overcome potential barriers to communication, engagement and understanding. Established in late 2021, the program strives to strengthen the division’s relationship with culturally diverse communities and seeks to attract job applicants to better help the division mirror the diversity of the county. The Intercultural Liaison Partnership earned a 2022 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties. More information:…


Radio Poder and Henrico County MCE

The Radio Poder WBTK 1380 AM and Henrico County Multicultural Community Engagement partnership provides information on resources, services, programs, events and more to the Spanish-speaking “Enfoque a la Comunidad” and Radio Poder audiences on Facebook live.

Comprando con su lista de alimentos de WIC de Virginia (versión en español)

Este video es para darle algunos consejos para ayudar que su experiencia comparando productos de WIC sea más positiva.

Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS) ESL Welcome Center – | Spanish Interpreter Request Form

HCPS Equity, Opportunity and Diversity –

Hispanic Heritage Month at HCPL Library News 2021

Library of Congress Events – | Courses & Workshops | Exhibits & Tours | Films & Screenings

National Education Association –

National Hispanic Heritage Month –

Smithsonian Heritage and History Month Events –

Seguridad Peatonal PSA

Accidentes de vehículos que afectan a peatones y ciclistas siguen causando graves heridas, incluso muertes, en el área de Richmond. Hay que tener mucha precaución y evitar distracciones cuando viajes.

Muy pronto se reanudarán las revisiones de elegibilidad de Medicaid

Virginia y todos los demás estados comenzarán a reevaluar la elegibilidad para los miembros de Medicaid en abril. Es importante que Virginia Medicaid cuente con su dirección postal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico actuales para que puedan comunicarse con usted y brindarle información sobre su cobertura de salud.



Library News: Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 marked the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month! To celebrate, the Library will be offering several programs. Join us for speakers, performances, film screenings, book discussions, and more as we celebrate Latinx history and culture! Read on to learn more about upcoming programs and recommended titles from our Collection.

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EASY (Picture Books)




Salsa At Sunset Half Page Flyer 2023
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