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Kingsridge Parkway Signal and Improvements

Project Status: Underway - Design

Estimated Cost: $815,000
Start Date: 2025
Estimated End Date: 2025

Magisterial District:   Fairfield   Varina  


This project is to install a new traffic signal at Kingsridge Parkway and N Laburnum Ave along with completing the connection between Dabbs House Road and N Laburnum Avenue.  There will be the installation of pedestrian signs, ADA curb ramps and Crosswalks at the intersection as well as the relocation of an adjacent bus stop and new bus shelter.  With this project, the missing section of Kingsridge Parkway just east of the intersection of Dabbs house will also be constructed. 


Estimated Schedule: (Month Year) 

  • Design is underway. 
  • Right of Way anticipated to begin 2nd Quarter 2024 
  • Utility relocation is anticipated to begin 3rd Quarter 2024 
  • Anticipated Advertisement date is 2025 
  • Construction is anticipated to begin 2025. 

Contact Us

LaTheasha Hinton
(804) 501-5115
[email protected]

Public Works

Henrico Department of Public Works
4305 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4393

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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