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Taylor Farm Park

Project Status: Completed

Estimated Cost: $26 million
Start Date: Feb 2021
Estimated End Date: Mid-July 2024

200 Whiteside Road
Sandston, VA 23150

Magisterial District:   Varina  

Project Background

Taylor Farm Park, located off Williamsburg Road in the Sandston area of the Varina district, is one of several park development projects funded from the 2016 referendum. The land, purchased in early 2016, is just over 99 acres and will be the first new large community park in Varina since Dorey Park opened in 1982.

The Taylor Farm Park master plan, created with community input, was approved by the Board of Supervisors in August 2021. A $20.1M contract for construction of Taylor Farm Park was awarded to Loughridge & Company, LLC on February 14, 2023. Work on the 99-acre park in Sandston is expected to begin later in February and be completed by mid-July 2024. 

Planned features for the park include a destination skatepark, event area, large playground, spray park, pump track, bike skills course, mile asphalt trail loop, memorial for fallen heroes, and monuments for each of the service branches and first responders.

Progress to Date

July 2024: Grand Opening!

February 2023: Groundbreaking ceremony

February 2023: The Board voted to award a $20.1M contract for construction of Taylor Farm Park to Loughridge & Company LLC . 

September 2021: Skate/Bike Park Design Meeting held virtually. 

August 2021: The Board approved a master plan of development for Taylor Farm Park, a 99-acre site planned along Whiteside Road near Williamsburg Road in Sandston.

May 2021: Revised Master Plan Concept shared with the public

Feb/March 2021: Planning with community input, including public meetings and online feedback began. 

January 2021: Following the Board’s vote, the county has awarded a $1.67M contract for design & engineering services for 99-acre Taylor Park. 

Summer 2020: $5 million for planning and design available now, $14 million remaining for construction, scheduled for appropriation July 2021.

2016: Bond Referendum is passed by Henrico voters, funding 26 projects over six years. $87.1 million has been designated to Recreation & Parks projects.

Contact Us

Recreation and Parks

Physical Address
6800 Staples Mill Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-7275
Inclement Weather Hotline
(804) 501-5132

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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