Leak Adjustment Request
Customers may qualify for a leak adjustment when there is a water line or plumbing leak on the customer’s side of the water meter and it impacts your utility bill. There are different kinds of leaks; leaks that can be seen or heard such as a toilet leak, and underground leaks which mean there is a water leak in pipes that cannot be seen without digging, destroying or removing property on the premises of a user whose system is connected to the County system. All adjustments are reviewed based on County Ordinance Sec. 23, Underground and adjusted based on Sec. 23-233. Repairs must be completed timely and the customer must submit the appropriate documentation to the County of Henrico Department of Public Utilities.
See the Leak Adjustment Request Form for what documentation should be submitted with the request.
Complete a copy of the Leak Adjustment Request Form with the appropriate documentation. In order to ensure a timely review of your leak request please make sure to complete the form in its entirety. Completion of a leak adjustment request does not guarantee you are qualified for an adjustment, but it is required for consideration.
Qualifications for the adjustment:
- Water leak cannot be seen without digging, destroying, or removing property on premises.
- Water leak must be repaired.
- A decrease in usage after the repair (i.e. back to normal).
- Water usage must be double the average from the same historical time period (3 bills or less) or if you have no historical usage your current rate of usage would be used to determine your average bimonthly usage.
What happens after leak adjustment form and supporting documents are received?
- The utility account is notated as “Under Review” in the billing system and will be made exempt from disconnection for 60 days.
- The County verifies the usage is back to normal.
- While the account is being reviewed you could receive a cycle bill not showing an adjustment. Since we bill bi-monthly this bill could have some usage before the repair and we will want to include this bill in our review.
- Once the account is reviewed, you will receive a letter stating you are either approved or denied for an adjustment, and if approved the amount.
The leak adjustment form and all documentation can be submitted by:
- Mail to: Customer Service P. O. Box 90775, Henrico, VA. 23228
- Fax to 804-501-7382, Attn: Customer Service
- E-mail to: [email protected]