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File Complaint Against Police Officer/Employee

fill out online form   Online
available via mail   Via Mail
available in person   In Person

The Henrico County Police Division is proud to provide internationally accredited law enforcement services to Henrico residents, businesses, and visitors. The Division strives to treat all people with respect, compassion, and dignity. Professionalism of our workforce is paramount to maintaining civic trust and safety in our communities. Henrico Police is committed to taking corrective action in those instances where an employee fails to meet our high standards.

Please do not use this form to report crimes. If this is an emergency, call 911. To report a crime, call (804) 501-5000. If you have questions or concerns about filing a complaint, please contact the Office of Internal Affairs at [email protected] or (804) 501-4834.


Complaints may be submitted online, or by phone, email, and mail.

We encourage you to provide as much information as possible. It is helpful to the investigators to be able to follow up on information or speak to people involved in the incident to gather evidence.


Call the Office of Internal Affairs at (804) 501-4834. If your call is directed to the voicemail system, please leave a message and an investigator will get back to you shortly. Please make sure to leave your contact information in the message.


Download and email the Citizen Complaint Form or your written statement to [email protected]


Print and mail the Citizen Complaint Form or your written statement to: 

Henrico County Police Division
Office of Internal Affairs
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


Frequently Asked Questions

What Constitutes a Formal Complaint?
The Internal Affairs Office, a section of the Division’s Professional Standards Unit, processes all allegations of misconduct involving Henrico Police officers and employees. Complaints can range from unprofessional behavior, to violations of division policy and procedures, to unlawful acts. All allegations of unnecessary or excessive force and racial bias will be investigated.

Is Filing a Complaint Safe?
We aim to make our complaint process safe for all parties. You will be treated fair and impartially. You will not be asked about your immigration status. You will not need to speak with the employee you are filing a complaint against.

Can I File a Complaint Anonymously?
You may file a complaint anonymously, however, it is helpful if you provide at least a phone number or email address so an investigator can follow up should they need additional information critical to the investigation. Also, if no contact information is provided, Henrico Police may be unable to provide you information regarding the outcome of the investigation.

What happens after I file a complaint?
Henrico Police investigates all formal complaints against Division personnel. A police supervisor or investigator from the Office of Internal Affairs may reach out to discuss the incident in further detail and obtain information crucial to the case. After completing its investigation, the Office of Internal Affairs will submit its findings to the Chief of Police or his designee for final disposition, after which, you will be provided documentation regarding the outcome of your complaint.

If you have questions or concerns about filing a complaint, please contact the Office of Internal Affairs at [email protected] or (804) 501-4834.

Contact Us

Office of Internal Affairs
(804) 501-4834
[email protected]


7721 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23294

Police Non-Emergency
(804) 501-5000
General Information
(804) 501-4800

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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Social Media Policy 
Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.
Please call 911 if you have an emergency.


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