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Permit – Taxi

available in person   In Person

There are two (2) types of taxi permit applications available. The most common one is a permit to drive a taxicab and the second is a permit called a Certificate of Necessity for taxicab owners who are starting a new company.


$25 – Taxicab Driver Permit

Certificate of Necessity (for taxicab owners who are starting a new taxicab company )
Each vehicle listed on this certificate requires an annual $25 Vehicle Inspection Fee.

$15 – Taxi Orientation Class (For details on this class, see Special Instructions To Receive Service section below.)

How to Receive this Service

Read this entire section as there are several steps that must be completed and several fees that must be paid  before you receive your Taxi Permit.  Permit applications must be delivered in person during normal business hours to the Public Safety Building at 7721 E. Parham Road, with all the required accompanying paperwork and documentation. 

When completing the application form for a Taxicab Driver’s Permit, you MUST:

1. Fill out the application completely, legibly, and truthfully; 

2. Have your signature notarized (you may have this done at the Public Safety Building);

3. Submit the following with your application:

a. A recent DMV transcript of your driving record;
b. A letter from the company for which you will be working verifying your employment;
c. A completed fingerprint card, which can be done at the Public Safety Building; and
d. Two recent photos (passport size). Your attire/appearance in your picture should follow the below
guidelines of Henrico County Code Sec. 21-161:

Taxicab drivers shall be fully and neatly dressed and exhibit good personal hygiene without offensive
body odor. All clothing shall be clean, free of holes, rips or tears, and present a professional
appearance; clothing shall not exhibit any symbols, phrases or renderings that are obscene and shall
comply with the following standards: (1) Male drivers are required to wear long pants or professional
length uniform shorts, buttoned shirts with fold-down collars and sleeves, and shoes. Pullover “polo”
shirts, with fold-down collars, buttons and short sleeves, are permitted. Shoes shall be clean, closed-in
and worn with socks. Hair, beards and moustaches must be neat, trimmed and present a groomed
appearance. (2) Female drivers are required to wear long pants, professional length shorts, skirts or
dresses, shirts or blouses, and shoes. Pullover “polo” shirts, with fold-down collars, buttons and short
sleeves, are permitted. Shoes shall be clean, closed-in and worn with socks or stockings. Hair must be
neat, trimmed and present a groomed appearance.

After submitting the completed application, you will be contacted by telephone once the investigation is
complete. Please remember that this is a time-consuming process. It is strongly recommended that you turn
in your application six weeks before your old permit expires.

Permits will be issued after you have been called by this office and given an appointment. Please bring your
Division of Motor Vehicle Operator’s License and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the Permit. If you wish to write a check, it must
be made payable to the County of Henrico.

Fingerprinting services are available by appointment Monday-Thursday, 8:15-3:45 p.m. at the Henrico Public Safety Building. There is a
ten-dollar ($10.00) fee per fingerprint card. Two forms of identification are required, one of which must be a
photo ID. The only forms of identification acceptable are outlined below. They must be original (no copies) and current/valid. 

  • Current Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate
  • Military Identification
  • Social Security Card
  • Voter Registration Card/li>
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Green Card/Permanent Residence Card
  • Certificate of Naturalization Card

Click the link below to schedule your appointment online, or call (804) 501-4809.

Schedule Fingerprinting Appointment

When submitting the application for the Certificate of Necessity, you must submit a copy of your Henrico County Business License. You must also have deposited a copy of your Certificate of Insurance against public liability and property damage with the Chief of Police, County of Henrico, for each vehicle listed on the attached Listing of For-Hire Vehicles, as required by Henrico County Code Section 21-140. A fee of $25 per vehicle listed on the Certificate of Necessity will be charged as well.

You must also attend a Taxi Orientation Class, that is required when getting a Taxi Permit, and pay a Taxi Orientation Class fee of $15. These classes are held only once a month, so be sure to sign up for the class and pay the required fee. 

Please note that fees will be collected when the permits are issued, not when the application is submitted.

Applications are available for download on this page or may be picked up at the Public Safety Building in the County Government complex at 7721 East Parham Road.  Applicants must allow 4-6 weeks for processing. 

Contact Us

Permits Officer
(804) 501-7494
[email protected]


7721 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23294

Police Non-Emergency
(804) 501-5000
General Information
(804) 501-4800

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.
Please call 911 if you have an emergency.


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