Supervisors to discuss civilian review board at Aug. 24 work session

—County leaders solicited public input on the matter throughout July

Henrico’s Board of Supervisors will hold a work session at 5:15 p.m. Monday, Aug. 24 for discussion of a civilian review board for the county’s Police Division.

The work session will be held in the Government Center Board Room, 4301 E. Parham Road, and will be livestreamed at It also will be available online through WebEx.  

Board work sessions are designed to allow supervisors to conduct discussions and receive information from county staff.

The work session is open to the public. Attendance in the Board Room will be limited to 40 to accommodate social distancing of 6 feet. Individuals who attend are required to wear a face covering. Limited overflow seating will be available in a nearby area equipped with video monitors. 

The agenda includes a period for public comments. Individuals will be able to offer a comment in the Board Room, from the overflow-seating area and online through WebEx. Individuals who would like to speak are encouraged to register in advance at    

Henrico’s supervisors announced in June an initiative to gather public input on the potential creation of a civilian review board. Close to 800 comments had been submitted when the initiative closed on July 31. County staff presented a preliminary review of the comments to supervisors at a work session on July 28.

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