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Upham Brook Trunk Sewer

Project Status: Completed

Start Date: August 2018
Actual End Date: August 2022

Magisterial District:   Brookland   Fairfield  

The Upham Brook Trunk Sewer project includes construction of approximately 16,000 linear feet of 48-inch and 54-inch diameter gravity trunk sewer. The new sewer will be located generally parallel to an existing Henrico County trunk sewer (48-inch and 54-inch) from Staples Mill Road near Dickens Road to just east of Brook Road at Upham Brook. Approximately 1/5 of the new sewer alignment is located within the limits of the City of Richmond. The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the sanitary sewer system to reduce the occurrence of sanitary sewer overflows and to provide additional capacity for growth in demands.

Progress to Date

The construction contractor, Garney Companies, Inc., will start work the week of August 13, 2018.

Contact Us

Kristie Garafalo
(804) 501-5483
[email protected]

Public Utilities

(804) 501-4275
Phone After Hours (Emergency Only)
(804) 501-5025

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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