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Three Lakes Park & Nature Center

400 Sausiluta Drive | Henrico, VA   23227 | (804) 652-1470 | [email protected]

Park Notice – Nature Center Closed for Renovations

A lot of people are wondering when Three Lakes Nature Center will reopen. At this time, we do not have an opening date, but we do have exciting news!

We have been busy planning several renovation projects for the Nature Center, and they will begin construction soon. These improvements include new features at the front entrance, upgrades to the outdoor aquarium, and new living exhibits inside. However, these renovations may affect the center’s reopening date.

Please make sure to follow Henrico Recreation & Parks and Three Lakes Nature Center on social media to receive updates. 

Three Lakes Park & Nature Center brings together the three worlds of air, water, and land for visitors to explore. The exhibits in the Nature Center introduce visitors to the plant and animal life native to the area and wildlife living in the wetlands and woodlands of the park. Exhibits are currently under renovation and staff look forward to sharing new features with you! In the meantime, they are caring for all the animals and will also be sharing content on the Three Lakes Facebook page

Hours of Operation


Open daily from dawn to dusk.

Nature Center

Closed for renovations. 

Fishing Fishing
Hiking/Nature Trail Hiking/ Nature Trail
Open Play Area Open Play Area
Picnic Area Picnic Area
Picnic Reservations Picnic Reservations
Picnic Shelter Picnic Shelter
Play Equipment Play Equipment
Restrooms Restrooms
Helpful Links

Park Map
Program Registration
Reserve a Picnic Shelter
Park Tips

Special Features

Nature Center

Photo Gallery
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