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Hunton Community Center & Park

11690 Old Washington Hwy | Glen Allen, VA   23059 | (804) 652-1430 | [email protected]

Available for rent, Hunton Community Center is a perfect setting for a small to medium group event. The site includes a playground, ball field, and a pavilion.

Hours of Operation


Open daily from dawn to dusk.

Community Center

Open for programs and events only.

Rental & Program Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8am-10pm
Friday & Saturday: 8am-11pm
Sunday: 1-10pm

Baseball/Softball Baseball/ Softball
Basketball Basketball
Concession Concession
Picnic Area Picnic Area
Picnic Shelter Picnic Shelter
Play Equipment Play Equipment
Private Rental Private Rental
Restrooms Restrooms
Soccer/Football Soccer/ Football

Henrico Recreation & Parks offers programs for all ages at many facilities and parks. Follow the links below to view programs and register online.

Facility Reservations
The facility has one multi-purpose room available for rent with a maximum capacity of 60. Rental of the facility does include use of the kitchen and outside patio and pavilion. The parking lot has a capacity of 100.
Helpful Links

Park Map
Program Registration
Park Tips

Special Features


Photo Gallery
360 Photos

Multipurpose Room

Click and drag to look around the room. Click the [ ] to view in fullscreen. (Button may not display in Internet Explorer.)


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