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Election Results 1993


November 2, 1993 General Election Results

  • Governor of Virginia
  • Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
  • Attorney General of Virginia
  • Member, House of Delegates: 64th District; 68th District; 70th District; 71st District; 72nd District; 73rd District; 74th District; 97th District
  • Soil and Water Conservation Director, Henricopolis District
  • Question: “Shall the method of selecting the school board be changed from appointment by the governing body to direct election by the voters?”

November 2, 1993 Election Results – Excel Format

November 2, 1993 Election Results – Text File Format

November 2, 1993 Election Results

Contact Us

Voter Registration and Elections

Western Government Center
4305 E. Parham Rd.
Admin Building AnnexRoom 105
Henrico, VA 23228

Eastern Government Center
3820 Nine Mile Rd
Room 100
Henrico, VA 23223

(804) 501-4347

(804) 501-5081

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected] is the email address for the public to communicate with the Henrico County Electoral Board.

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