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Henrico Police Apartment Coalition (HPAC)

available in person   In Person

Police_PAC_logo_newHPAC is a coalition comprised of Henrico County apartment community managers and the Henrico County Police Division. HPAC membership is free, yet there are numerous benefits to becoming a PAC member.

First, you will be part of an influential voice that will address issues that affect you, your community, and your business. You will also meet quarterly and personally work with members of the Henrico County Police Division, County officials, and community organizations to achieve community goals. You will be informed of crime trends and prevention methods and discover ways to unite residents cooperatively to keep their community safe and crime free.

HPAC Benefits

  • Quarterly meeting with Community Officers and the HPAC Coordinator
  • Special programs and seminars
  • Vital crime information and indicators
  • Increased awareness of community resources available
  • Networking opportunities, and much more.




How to Receive this Service

For further information regarding the Henrico Police/Apartment Coalition or to become a member, call or email the Prevention Services Unit. 

Contact Us

Prevention Services
(804) 501-4838
[email protected]


7721 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23294

Police Non-Emergency
(804) 501-5000
General Information
(804) 501-4800

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Twitter Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Instagram Pinterest

Social Media Policy 
Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.
Please call 911 if you have an emergency.


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