Speed Kills: Preventing Teen Driving Fatalities
About the Video
Speed Kills is an award-winning documentary that warns of the real dangers of a violent wreck that face all teen drivers, and the psychological impact on the family. The 17-minute video/DVD features interviews with survivors of a fatal car accident caused by a teenager’s careless driving. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people 15 to 20.
How to purchase
You may obtain a DVD or VHS copy of Speed Kills through Human Relations Media.
Open Arms? Open Eyes!
Power, Control and Abuse in Teen Relationships
About the Video
This video focuses on issues of power and control in teen relationships. Up to 60% of high school graduates have been in an abusive dating relationship. Middle and high schools are where children’s first intimate relationships usually develop and where patterns of violence and abuse of power surface first. This video dramatizes specific issues of power and control among teens, and its main goal is to help kids spot the warning signs and avoid the corrosive effects of an abusive relationship. The program will also act as a mirror for kids who are abusive or violent themselves, allowing them to examine their own behavior through the eyes of others. It will encourage all kids to recognize and reject unhealthy relationships and cultivate relationships of equality and mutual respect.
To obtain a copy of the video, please contact the National Resource Center for Youth Services (NRCYS) at the University of Oklahoma. They can be reached at 1-800-274-2687 (8:00 to 5:00 CST). Ask for the “Open Arms? Open Eyes!” video, item #369.
Stop, Thief!
About the Video
The video mixes dramatic sequences with interviews of real shoplifters, criminal justice officials, retail employees and others. The different parts are tied together with original contemporary music and brief comments from a young narrator walking through a shopping mall. The primary message of the video is that shoplifting can be a serious crime with long lasting consequences for those who decide to steal.
To obtain a copy of this video please contact the Minnesota Youth Intervention Programs Association (YIPA) (yipa.org). This video is included as a part of the Stolen Moment product line.