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Henrico County’s general government departments and Henrico County Public Schools earned a combined 2 Achievement Awards from the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) which recognizes excellence in local government programs for 2018.

Henrico’s award-winning programs are listed below:

Elementary Explorers: STEM Education for Upper Elementary-Aged Students
The Academy at Virginia Randolph’s 100 Men Challenge


Elementary Explorers: STEM Education for Upper Elementary-Aged Students
Henrico County Public Library

Beginning in February 2016, the children’s department at Tuckahoe Area Library in Henrico County began offering a recurring program for upper elementary schoolers called Elementary Explorers. This program teaches STEM topics (science, technology, engineering, and math) to third through fifth graders who have aged out of children’s storytime and craft programming, but are too young for teen programs.

Elementary Explorers aims to engage older elementary students through an innovative approach, providing age-appropriate learning opportunities at the library with an emphasis on STEM concepts, hands-on learning, and discovery. The program complements school curriculum while also fostering curiosity and excitement for STEM topics. Elementary Explorers has consistently strong attendance and positive feedback from both children and their parents.


The Academy at Virginia Randolph’s 100 Men Challenge
Henrico County Public Schools

The 100 Men Challenge at Henrico County Public Schools’ Academy at Virginia Randolph (AVR) is an effort to provide strong role models for male students at the school. The goal of the challenge is to invite 100 men from various professions onto campus one day per month to motivate, encourage, and support the school’s male student population. The program aims to provide stability and security that will enable students to view life through a different lens and, ultimately, to empower and enhance their lives.

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