Plans & Development

Published Title & Description Type Contact
2025-02-12February 12, 2025Design Guidelines for Small-Lot Single Family Residential Developments
On February 11, 2025, the Henrico County Board of Supervisors adopted the document titled “Design Guidelines for Small-Lot Single Family Residential Developments.” This document is incorporated into the Vision 2026 Comprehensive Plan as an appendix to be used in providing recommendations for small-lot developments.
PagePage - Design Guidelines for Small-Lot Single Family Residential DevelopmentsPermit Center
2025-02-10February 10, 2025Building Permits – January 2025
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – January 2025Building Inspections
2025-02-10February 10, 2025Trade Permits – January 2025
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – January 2025Building Inspections
2025-02-10February 10, 2025Building Permits by Census Category – January 2025
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – January 2025Building Inspections
2025-01-06January 6, 2025Building Permits – December 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – December 2024Building Inspections
2025-01-06January 6, 2025Trade Permits – December 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – December 2024Building Inspections
2025-01-06January 6, 2025Building Permits by Census Category – December 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – December 2024Building Inspections
2024-12-06December 6, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – November 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – November 2024Building Inspections
2024-12-06December 6, 2024Trade Permits – November 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – November 2024Building Inspections
2024-12-06December 6, 2024Building Permits – November 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – November 2024Building Inspections
2024-11-06November 6, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – October 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – October 2024Building Inspections
2024-11-06November 6, 2024Trade Permits – October 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device-miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – October 2024Building Inspections
2024-11-06November 6, 2024Building Permits – October 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – October 2024Building Inspections
2024-10-21October 21, 2024Recreation and Parks Master Plan
On September 24, 2024, the Henrico County Board of Supervisors adopted the 2024 Recreation and Parks Master Plan. This document replaces the 2015 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan that was incorporated into the Vision 2026 Comprehensive Plan, as part of Chapter 9 – Recreation, Parks, Open Space, and Cultural Resources.
PagePage - Recreation and Parks Master PlanPlanning
2024-10-03October 3, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – September 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – September 2024Building Inspections
2024-10-03October 3, 2024Trade Permits – September 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – September 2024Building Inspections
2024-10-03October 3, 2024Building Permits – September 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – September 2024Building Inspections
2024-09-27September 27, 2024Multi-Family Residential Directory
The Multi-Family Report is a summary of all multi-family developments in Henrico County sorted by Magisterial District, type and status. Information is from a variety of sources including the County’s real estate database, approved Plans of Development (POD), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
PDFPDF - Multi-Family Residential DirectoryPlanning
2024-09-05September 5, 2024Building Permits – August 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – August 2024Building Inspections
2024-09-05September 5, 2024Trade Permits – August 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – August 2024Building Inspections
2024-09-05September 5, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – August 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – August 2024Building Inspections
2024-09-01September 1, 2024Adult Housing Directory
The Adult Housing Report is a summary of all housing facilities in Henrico County that provide services exclusively to the adult population (usually those aged 55 or greater). Information is from a variety of sources including the County’s real estate database, approved Plans of Development (POD), and GIS. The report categorizes the housing facilities into four different types: Assisted Living, Health Care, Independent Living, and Alzheimer’s Care.
PDFPDF - Adult Housing DirectoryPlanning
2024-08-06August 6, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – July 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – July 2024Building Inspections
2024-08-06August 6, 2024Trade Permits – July 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – July 2024Building Inspections
2024-08-06August 6, 2024Building Permits – July 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – July 2024Building Inspections
2024-08-01August 1, 2024Hotel and Motel Directory
The Hotel & Motel Report is a summary of all temporary lodging facilities in Henrico County. Information is from a variety of sources including the County’s real estate database, approved Plans of Development (POD), and GIS. The report categorizes the facilities into three different categories related to their status: “Existing,” “Proposed” and “Under Construction.”
PDFPDF - Hotel and Motel DirectoryPlanning
2024-07-08July 8, 2024Building Permits – June 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – June 2024Building Inspections
2024-07-08July 8, 2024Trade Permits – June 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – June 2024Building Inspections
2024-07-08July 8, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – June 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – June 2024Building Inspections
2024-06-07June 7, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – May 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – May 2024Building Inspections
2024-06-07June 7, 2024Building Permits – May 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – May 2024Building Inspections
2024-06-05June 5, 2024Trade Permits – May 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – May 2024Building Inspections
2024-05-03May 3, 2024Building Permits – April 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – April 2024Building Inspections
2024-05-03May 3, 2024Trade Permits – April 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – April 2024Building Inspections
2024-05-03May 3, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – April 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – April 2024Building Inspections
2024-04-02April 2, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – March 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – March 2024Building Inspections
2024-04-02April 2, 2024Trade Permits – March 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – March 2024Building Inspections
2024-04-02April 2, 2024Building Permits – March 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – March 2024Building Inspections
2024-03-06March 6, 2024Trade Permits – February 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – February 2024Building Inspections
2024-03-06March 6, 2024Building Permits – February 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – February 2024Building Inspections
2024-03-06March 6, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – February 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – February 2024Building Inspections
2024-02-14February 14, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – January 2024
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – January 2024Building Inspections
2024-02-14February 14, 2024Trade Permits – January 2024
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – January 2024Building Inspections
2024-02-14February 14, 2024Building Permits – January 2024
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – January 2024Building Inspections
2024-01-05January 5, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – December 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – December 2023Building Inspections
2024-01-05January 5, 2024Trade Permits – December 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – December 2023Building Inspections
2024-01-05January 5, 2024Building Permits – December 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – December 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Building Permits – November 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Trade Permits – November 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – November 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-11-07November 7, 2023Trade Permits – October 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – October 2023Building Inspections
2023-11-07November 7, 2023Building Permits – October 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – October 2023Building Inspections
2023-11-06November 6, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – October 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – October 2023Building Inspections
2023-10-09October 9, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – September 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – September 2023Building Inspections
2023-10-09October 9, 2023Trade Permits – September 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – September 2023Building Inspections
2023-10-09October 9, 2023Building Permits – September 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – September 2023Building Inspections
2023-09-06September 6, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – August 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – August 2023Building Inspections
2023-09-01September 1, 2023Building Permits – August 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – August 2023Building Inspections
2023-09-01September 1, 2023Trade Permits – August 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – August 2023Building Inspections
2023-08-02August 2, 2023Building Permits – July 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – July 2023Building Inspections
2023-08-02August 2, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – July 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – July 2023Building Inspections
2023-08-02August 2, 2023Trade Permits – July 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – July 2023Building Inspections
2023-07-07July 7, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – June 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – June 2023Building Inspections
2023-07-05July 5, 2023Building Permits – June 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – June 2023Building Inspections
2023-07-05July 5, 2023Trade Permits – June 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – June 2023Building Inspections
2023-06-07June 7, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – May 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by  Census Category – May 2023Building Inspections
2023-06-07June 7, 2023Trade Permits – May 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – May 2023Building Inspections
2023-06-07June 7, 2023Building Permits – May 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – May 2023Building Inspections
2023-05-10May 10, 2023Building Permits – April 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – April 2023Building Inspections
2023-05-10May 10, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – April 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – April 2023Building Inspections
2023-05-04May 4, 2023Trade Permits – April 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – April 2023Building Inspections
2023-04-05April 5, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – March 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – March 2023Building Inspections
2023-04-05April 5, 2023Trade Permits – March 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – March 2023Building Inspections
2023-04-05April 5, 2023Building Permits – March 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – March 2023Building Inspections
2023-03-03March 3, 2023Trade Permits – February 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – February 2023Building Inspections
2023-03-03March 3, 2023Building Permits – February 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – February 2023Building Inspections
2023-03-03March 3, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – February 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – February 2023Building Inspections
2023-02-16February 16, 2023HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Public Hearing Presentation
This slide deck was presented on February 16, 2023, for the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan public hearing held at Fairfield Library. These slides are a portion of the information shared at this public hearing, and served as a way to initiate public comment and discussion. If there are questions or comments about this slide deck, please submit them via email to [email protected] or by calling (804) 501-7640.
PDFPDF - HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Public Hearing PresentationCommunity Revitalization
2023-02-07February 7, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – January 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – January 2023Building Inspections
2023-02-07February 7, 2023Trade Permits – January 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – January 2023Building Inspections
2023-02-07February 7, 2023Building Permits – January 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – January 2023Building Inspections
2023-01-03January 3, 2023Building Permits – December 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – December 2022Building Inspections
2023-01-03January 3, 2023Trade Permits – December 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – December 2022Building Inspections
2023-01-03January 3, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – December 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – December 2022Building Inspections
2022-12-07December 7, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – November 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – November 2022Building Inspections
2022-12-07December 7, 2022Trade Permits – November 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – November 2022Building Inspections
2022-12-07December 7, 2022Building Permits – November 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – November 2022Building Inspections
2022-11-08November 8, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – October 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – October 2022Building Inspections
2022-11-08November 8, 2022Trade Permits – October 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – October 2022Building Inspections
2022-11-08November 8, 2022Building Permits – October 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – October 2022Building Inspections
2022-10-06October 6, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – September 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – September 2022Building Inspections
2022-10-05October 5, 2022Building Permits – September 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – September 2022Building Inspections
2022-10-05October 5, 2022Trade Permits – September 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – September 2022Building Inspections
2022-09-06September 6, 2022Trade Permits – August 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – August 2022Building Inspections
2022-09-06September 6, 2022Building Permits – August 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – August 2022Building Inspections
2022-09-06September 6, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – August 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – August 2022Building Inspections
2022-08-09August 9, 2022Building Permits – July 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – July 2022Building Inspections
2022-08-09August 9, 2022Trade Permits – July 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – July 2022Building Inspections
2022-08-09August 9, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – July 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – July 2022Building Inspections
2022-07-06July 6, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – June 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – June 2022Building Inspections
2022-07-05July 5, 2022Building Permits – June 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – June 2022Building Inspections
2022-07-05July 5, 2022Trade Permits – June 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – June 2022Building Inspections
2017-01-26January 26, 2017Proposed Abandonment 0.025 mile of Dominion Club Drive
Proposed Abandonment 0.025 mile of Dominion Club Drive with maps
PDFPDF - Proposed Abandonment 0.025 mile of Dominion Club DrivePublic Works
2016-11-08November 8, 20162016 Bond Referendum
Five referendum questions were placed on the Nov. 8, 2016 general-election ballot in Henrico. Each referendum was passed by Henrico voters and together will fund 26 projects over six years. The projects provide new and upgraded facilities in all five magisterial districts.
PDFPDF - 2016 Bond ReferendumPublic Relations
2016-09-01September 1, 2016Shopping Center Directory
The Shopping Center Report is a summary of all Shopping Centers in Henrico County that are 10,000 square feet or larger. Information is from a variety of sources including the County’s real estate database, approved Plans of Development (POD), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
PDFPDF - Shopping Center DirectoryPlanning
2015-05-25May 25, 2015Henrico County 2014-2015 Consolidated Community Development Action Plan- as Amended May 25, 2015
The Annual Action Plan is submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year. The Plan describes how the County intends to use its allocation of CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds in 2014-15 and the outcomes expected utilizing these funds. (Amended May 25, 2015)
PDFPDF - Henrico County 2014-2015 Consolidated Community Development Action Plan- as Amended May 25, 2015Community Revitalization
2012-12-27December 27, 2012Henrico County 2012-2013 Annual Consolidated Community Action Plan Amendment #1
This document is an amendment to the 2012-13 Annual Action Plan.
PDFPDF - Henrico County 2012-2013 Annual Consolidated Community Action Plan Amendment #1Community Revitalization
2012-06-04June 4, 2012Henrico County 2011-2012 Annual Consolidated Community Development Action Plan Amendment #1
This document is an amendment to the 2011-12 Annual Action Plan.
PDFPDF - Henrico County 2011-2012 Annual Consolidated Community Development Action Plan Amendment #1Community Revitalization
2011-08-01August 1, 2011Henrico County 2011-2012 Annual Consolidated Community Development Action Plan
The Annual Action Plan is submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year. The Plan describes how the County intends to use its allocation of CDBG and HOME funds in 2011-12 and the outcomes expected utilizing these funds.
PDFPDF - Henrico County 2011-2012 Annual Consolidated Community Development Action PlanCommunity Revitalization
2010-09-14September 14, 2010Innsbrook Area Study
On September 14, 2010, the Board of Supervisors amended the 2026 Comprehensive Plan to implement the recommendations of the Innsbrook Study encompassing 1,351 acres, including the area of Innsbrook Office Park and the former Circuit City headquarters site. The Plan included an Urban Mixed Use designation as well as an Urban Development Area.
PagePage - Innsbrook Area StudyPlanning
2010-05-01May 1, 2010Homeowners Enhancement Guide
The Homeowner’s Enhancement Guide is a how-to handbook intended for homeowners and prospective purchasers of older homes that may be in need of modernization and enhancement. It is intended to help property owners envision an improved and more comfortable home for the future. The guide provides homeowners with a number of ideas and tools to modernize and enhance their homes and property.
PDFPDF - Homeowners Enhancement GuideCommunity Revitalization
2003-07-28July 28, 2003Brook Road Enhancement Study
The Brook Road Enhancement Study, completed in 2003 provides a revitalization strategy for the maintenance and improvement of the residential and commercial areas along the Brook Road corridor. The study focuses primarily on enhancement improvements to businesses and the public right of way along Brook Road from Azalea Avenue to I-295.
PDFPDF - Brook Road Enhancement StudyCommunity Revitalization
2002-01-01January 1, 2002Sandston Commercial Area Study
The Sandston Commercial Area Study was completed in March 2002. The Plan provides strategies and design concepts for improvements to the Williamsburg Road corridor including streetscape opportunities, infrastructure improvements, business support, and opportunities to retain the small town character.
PDFPDF - Sandston Commercial Area StudyPlanning
2001-02-13February 13, 2001West Broad Street Development Standards
The purpose of this study was to compose the optimum land use plan for the study area that would most effectively balance the interests of property owners, residents, and surrounding development. The Recommended Design and Land Uses Plan was prepared by the Planning Staff and the Higgins/Gerstenmaier Associates consulting firm.
PDFPDF - West Broad Street Development StandardsPlanning
1998-12-01December 1, 1998Central Gardens Neighborhood Plan
The Central Gardens Neighborhood Plan, completed in December 1998, provides analysis and strategies for the stabilization and improvement of the Central Gardens community.
PDFPDF - Central Gardens Neighborhood PlanCommunity Revitalization
1997-10-21October 21, 1997Nine Mile Road Economic Analysis and Enhancement Plan
The Nine Mile Road Revitalization Plan was completed in October 1997. It provides strategies to enhance the viability of the commercial corridor.
PDFPDF - Nine Mile Road Economic Analysis and Enhancement PlanCommunity Revitalization
1995-03-01March 1, 1995Lakeside Avenue Enhancement Plan
The Lakeside Enhancement Plan, completed in March 1995, provided recommendations and design concepts for public improvements on Lakeside Avenue from the City of Richmond line to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. The plan also provides examples of improvements to business property.
PDFPDF - Lakeside Avenue Enhancement PlanCommunity Revitalization
1995-01-01January 1, 1995Highland Springs Revitalization Plan
The Highland Springs Revitalization Plan was one of the County’s earliest efforts to encourage the revitalization of an older commercial corridor. This plan provides a variety of recommendations for the enhancement of the commercial corridor on Nine Mile Road.
PDFPDF - Highland Springs Revitalization PlanCommunity Revitalization
1991-11-15November 15, 1991Landscape Manual
A manual to assist meeting the landscaping, tree cover, screen and buffer requirements, transitional buffering, and design standards of Section 22-106.2 OF CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF HENRICO, VIRGINIA
PDFPDF - Landscape ManualPlanning
2025-02-16February 16, 2025Real Estate Database
The real estate data contains the physical characteristics, assessment, sales and ownership information on all real property in the County.
Web ServiceWeb Service - Real Estate DatabaseFinance
Williamsburg Road/Technology Boulevard Corridor Study
On December 10, 2002, the Board of Supervisors amended the 2010 Land Use Plan to recommend land use changes within the southern intersections of I-64 and I-295 to provide opportunities for planned industries and mixed development compatible with existing land use trends in the area.
PagePage - Williamsburg Road/Technology Boulevard Corridor StudyPlanning
Church Road/Pump Road Proposed Land Use Study
On March 3, 2004 the Board of Supervisors amended the 2010 Land Use Plan to recommend land uses and strategies for future development surrounding the intersection of Church and Pump Roads. The recommendations took into account the realignment and improvements of the intersection and focused on creating a unified village concept through common architectural themes, enhanced landscaping and sidewalks.
PagePage - Church Road/Pump Road Proposed Land Use StudyPlanning
Scott Road Small Area Land Use Study
On November 25, 2004, the Board of Supervisors amended the 2010 Land Use Plan and Major Thoroughfare Plan recommending Office and Office/Service land uses and concept roads, including Magellen Parkway, for future road improvements.
PagePage - Scott Road Small Area Land Use StudyPlanning
Chapter 19 – Subdivision Ordinance
Chapter 19 of the Henrico County Municipal Code (see County Attorney for full document)
PDFPDF - Chapter 19 – Subdivision OrdinancePlanning
Chapter 24 – Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 24 of the Henrico County Municipal Code (see County Attorney for full document)
PDFPDF - Chapter 24 – Zoning OrdinancePlanning
2025-02-16February 16, 2025Subdivision Plat Search
Search Henrico County subdivision plats.
WebsiteWebsite - Subdivision Plat SearchPermit Center
Flood Zones & Dam Safety Information
This map presents the FEMA and County designated 100-year and 500-year floodplains within Henrico County, as well as Dam Safety information. In accordance with Chapter 10 of the Henrico County Code, management of development is required within the 100-year and 500-year floodplains and within a 40’ setback from the 100-year floodplain. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements may apply within FEMA 100-year floodplains. For more information, please visit the DPW Design Division webpage.
Web ServiceWeb Service - Flood Zones & Dam Safety InformationPublic Works
Planned Road Closures
Planned road closures within Henrico County for road maintenance and repair.
Web ServiceWeb Service - Planned Road ClosuresPublic Works
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