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Product Evaluation & Acceptance

Product Review Committee brochure

How do I apply?

Any vendor interested in having its products considered for use within DPU’s water distribution and sewage collection systems must complete and submit the Application for Product Consideration form, accompanied by all other required additional information, to the PRC Committee Chair. This additional information consists of 12 color copies of the manufacturer’s data sheet or brochure describing the product and how it is different from or an improvement to similar products currently in use. The application form is available on the DPU website. Please note, faxed copies will not be accepted.

The committee meets the third Wednesday of each month. The application and supporting information will be reviewed by the PRC to determine its usefulness for Henrico County. If applicable, the PRC will contact the vendor representative to schedule a presentation to the committee.


There is a 45-minute time limit for each presentation. The last 15-minute portion of this period is reserved for questions.

Presenters should be prepared to offer background information on the product’s manufacture, design and use and be able to provide references. They should be able to authorize a trial installation of their product in Henrico County, if the committee deems this necessary for product evaluation and acceptance.


The PRC will make its recommendation within 60 days after the presentation and the conclusion of any required trial installation period. The PRC Chair will then present the committee’s recommendations to the Operational Coordination Group. This group will make a final recommendation for approval to the Director of Public Utilities. Final approval of the product for use within Henrico County DPU’s systems will come from the Director.


As owner and operator of one of the largest water and wastewater systems in Virginia, the Henrico County Department of Public Utilities (DPU) frequently receives information on new products or technologies either through our own exploration or through contacts initiated by vendors. In order to formalize and better facilitate the exchange and evaluation of new product information, DPU created the Product Review Committee (PRC). The PRC explores and evaluates new products and technologies that may benefit our utility systems with respect to constructability, maintainability and operational reliability.

Through the PRC, representatives from key divisions of the Department of Public Utilities collectively receive, discuss and evaluate new product information. In addition, the PRC provides vendors a formal process in which they can present their products for evaluation through a single, time-saving presentation

New Technology

As the industry uses new technology to develop products and materials for today’s water and sewer utility construction, the PRC plays a crucial role in the exchange of information between the new product industry and the modern utility. The PRC will evaluate products with regard to practicality and cost, using vendor information as well as current utility experience and practice.


DPU’s Product Review Committee consists of two representatives from each of the following divisions: Design, Construction and Operations. The diversity of this group provides each vendor a more efficient and comprehensive evaluation and response regarding its product. The committee will focus on products that are installed and used on a day-to-day basis within the water distribution and sewer collection systems.

The PRC’s recommendations for product acceptance will be consistent with the current Henrico County DPU standards. The PRC may also recommend modifying the standards if deemed necessary to keep in step with current technology or practice in the utility industry. The committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the Operational Coordination Group, comprised of division managers, who will forward the final recommendation to the Public Utilities Director


Forward the application form to:

Committee Chair, PRC
Henrico County Public Utilities
P.O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775
(804) 501-4517


Committee Chair, PRC
Henrico County Public Utilities
4305 E. Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

Email questions to the Committee Chair at [email protected].

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