Ask a Librarian
The askHCPL information service allows you to ask brief, factual questions of HCPL staff and receive your response through text or email, or live chat when available.
Because We Care Supply Request Form
If you are doing a project for Keep Henrico Beautiful and need supplies, please fill out the form and submit to us.
Building Inspections for Fire Safety
The Division of Fire performs business inspections. Neighborhood Fire Stations perform a basic business inspection.
Building Inspections Records (FOIA)
Request Building Inspections information, such as inspection reports, copies of plans and permit data.
Business and Commercial Services
Henrico Police provides support to business owners through Community Officers, programs, and resources.
Child Safety Seat Check-up
By appointment only, learn from the experts about correct child safety seat installation and more.
Community Presentations
You may request an officer or crime prevention specialist to speak at or attend your next meeting or event. We offer a variety of topics and programs to choose from.
Copy Requests of Public Records
You may obtain copies from the Henrico Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of any public record such as deeds, plats, wills, judgments, court orders and marriage licenses.
Create a Business Emergency Plan
Henrico County Emergency Management & Workplace Safety (EMWS) has developed these templates to help State licensed facilities meet the requirement for developing Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP).
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Crisis Intervention Team is a community partnership bringing together first responders and area stakeholders for the common goals of safety, understanding, and caring for the needs of the mentally ill and their families.
Dog License
A dog license is required for dogs four months of age or older unless the dog is used as a service dog. Licenses must be obtained no later than 30 days after a dog turns four months old or within 30 days of the expiration date on the license receipt.
Kennel licenses are due on January 1st and no later than January 31st of each year and are paid annually.
Don’t Guess, Soil Test!
A soil test can provide information on the proper amount of lime and fertilizer to apply to your lawn, garden and other areas of your landscape.
Emergency Message to Inmate
How to get an emergency message to an inmate at Jail West or Jail East.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation Request
The Henrico County Department of Emergency Management and Workplace Safety (EMWS) strengthens emergency preparedness by working with residents, homeowner’s associations, civic groups, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and businesses throughout the county.
Employment and Day Services
We offer a continuum of services through our state accredited facilities and in the community at large such as supported employment, group employment including enlcaves/mobile work crews and sheltered employment at a workshop and skills building training programs.
Event Presentation Request Form
If you are having an event and would like Keep Henrico Beautiful's Executive Director to attend, please fill out the request form and submit to us.
File a Claim
The division of Risk Management handles all claims for personal injury and property damage asserted against the County.
Get fingerprinted for employment or any other need dictated by law, except for Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) purposes.
Fire / EMS Reports
Obtain copies of Fire and EMS reports.
Fire Apparatus Visit/Demo
Residents may request that an engine come out for an event such as a community day or block party.
Fire Education Programs/Firefighter Speaker Request
Request to have a firefighter speak at your group meeting and request information on fire programs such as the Junior Firefighter Program, Life Safety Program, and more.
Fire Hydrants
Fire hydrants in Henrico County are the responsibility of the County's Department of Public Utilities (DPU). They Perform all installation, maintenance and testing of hydrants.
Fire Station Visit / Tour
Information about visiting a fire station and taking a tour of the fire station.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Environmental Site Assessment
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) records requests pertaining to Phase I Environmental Site Assessments can be submitted through numerous avenues.
Funeral Escort Request – Form
Request form - Police escort for a funeral procession.
Garden Talks – Do You Need a Speaker?
The Henrico Extension Office offers presentations to interested garden clubs, civic organizations, homeowners associations, and other community organizations in Henrico County.
Have a Document Served
How to have a civil process document served by a deputy
Hire an Off-duty Police Officer
Request to hire an off-duty officer for your event, program, religious facility, business, traffic direction, etc.
Home or Business Security Audit
You may request a free Security Audit of your home or business to learn how to make it more secure and to prevent crime.
Intercultural Liaison Partnership
The Henrico Police Intercultural Liaison Partnership (ILP) is designed to strengthen relationships with Henrico County’s culturally-diverse communities. The Division's goal is to build trust within these communities by learning from one another and breaking down barriers. We want to ensure every member of every community knows Henrico Police is here to support them and promote their safety.
Marcus Alert Database
The Marcus alert is a voluntary database to be made available to the 9-1-1 alert system and the Marcus alert system to provide relevant mental health information and emergency contact information for appropriate response to an emergency or crisis.
Mosquito Inspection Form
Complimentary mosquito inspections are offered to help find the source of mosquito problems on residential and commercial properties.
Pay Near Me
The County has partnered with PayNearMe to offer an easy and convenient cash payment option.
Permit – Block Party
If you want to hold a block party in your neighborhood, a permit is required.
Personal Property Tax Relief (PPTRA)
The State of Virginia has allocated funds to provide tax relief for qualifying vehicles in the County of Henrico. The amount of tax relief is based upon the total dollars from the Commonwealth divided by the total tax of all qualifying vehicles in the County.
Plans of Development and Site Plan
A Plan of Development (POD) and Site Plan are detailed engineering plans for multi-family, commercial, and industrial projects that contains all of the essential details necessary to construct site improvements. The POD and Site Plan process is designed to coordinate the numerous reviews and recommendations of all applicable Henrico County, State and Federal agencies. This integrated process is managed by the Planning Department and coordinated with County and certain external agencies.
Police Reports, Records and Freedom of Information Act
The Henrico Police Criminal Records Unit provides the public with a variety of police records and oversees Freedom of Information Act requests.
Police Ride-Along Program
Designed to promote a greater understanding of the police officer's role in the community, the Henrico Police Ride-Along Program is available to community members interested in working or getting involved in law enforcement.
Probate & Estate Administration
The Code of Virginia grants the Clerk of the Circuit Court the authority to Probate a Will, to appoint and qualify an Executor or Administrator for a Decedent’s Estate, to appoint and qualify a Testamentary Trustee, to qualify a Conservator and/or a Guardian for an Incapacitated Adult.
Project Lifesaver Information Change Request
This service is to update Caregiver or Client contact information changes.
Public Library Room Request
The Henrico County libraries have reservable spaces to meet, collaborate or to study and create on your own.
Rabies Vaccination for Domestic Animals
Have your pet vaccinated at one of our four clinics held annually.
Request General Publications
Request publications you would like to receive by mail.
Request GIS Data
Henrico County has a robust enterprise-wide GIS. Henrico shares this information and has made efforts to provide a variety of data formats.
Request installation of new sign or pavement markings
Request installation of new sign or pavement markings.