What causes the pink stain on bathroom fixtures?
The reddish-pink stain or residue that is frequently found around bathroom sinks, shower stalls, and pets’ water bowls, is not by the water supply but by naturally occurring airborne bacteria that produce a reddish pigment. There are numerous bacteria in the environment that find their way onto bathroom and kitchen fixtures. Most do not cause disease. These bacteria are found in soil, food, and on animals, and they may become airborne because of construction or wind. It is not uncommon to find the pinkish film appearing after new construction or remodeling activities.
The bacteria, which are most likely members of the Serratia genus, thrive on moisture, dust, and phosphates. Regular cleaning, periodic disinfection with household bleach or cleaner, and adequate ventilation are necessary to control these organisms. Serratia do not survive in chlorinated drinking water.
Why does my tap water sometimes appear cloudy, gray, or milky-looking?
The most common cause of cloudy or milky-looking water is naturally dissolved air in the water and is not a health concern.
The phenomenon of cloudy water from the tap is similar to bubbles being released from a carbonated beverage when the cap is removed and pressure released. There are no water quality regulations pertaining to dissolved oxygen in water because it does not present a health risk to people.
Dissolved oxygen in water is most evident from late Fall through early Spring when the water temperature is the coldest. Cold water dissolves more air out of the atmosphere than warm water. During the winter months, the temperature of the James River, Henrico’s source of water supply, can drop to nearly freezing temperatures. The water temperature does not increase significantly as it passes through the water treatment process and the network of underground water mains. Since the water temperature remains cold as it travels from the treatment plant to the customer, it remains saturated with dissolved oxygen until it enters the customer’s home or business.
When that cold water is drawn into the internal plumbing system of a home or building, it warms up to room temperature. This warmer water cannot hold as much dissolved air, but because the water is under pressure within the plumbing system’s pipes, the excess dissolved air cannot escape until the water flows from the faucet. The result is cloudy water when the faucet is initially turned on. Hot water from the water heater may be even cloudier than cold water.
To determine if tiny air bubbles are causing your water to look milky, you can do the following experiment. Fill a clear glass with cold water and set it on a counter top or table, or hold the cloudy water up to a sunlight window. Watch and see if the water begins to clear from the bottom of the glass upward. You may notice tiny air bubbles rising to the top of the glass. The glass of water should clear within a few minutes.
If the cloudy-milky water from your cold water tap does not clear up within a few minutes, please call the Public Utilities Department Operations Division at 727-8700.
Can my bill be adjusted due to a leak?
Customers may qualify for a leak adjustment when there is a water line or plumbing leak on the customer’s side of the water meter and it impacts your utility bill. There are different kinds of leaks; leaks that can be seen or heard such as a toilet leak, and underground leaks which mean there is a water leak in pipes that cannot be seen without digging, destroying or removing property on the premises of a user whose system is connected to the County system. All adjustments are reviewed based on County Ordinance Sec. 23, Underground and adjusted based on Sec. 23-233. Repairs must be completed timely and the customer must submit the appropriate documentation to the County of Henrico Department of Public Utilities.
See our adjustment request service page for more information.
My bill is very high. Is it possible that I have a leak?
Yes, it is possible, if your bill is higher than your historical average and you are not aware of using additional water for irrigation, filling a pool, or having house guests, etc. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that most leaks within homes go undetected.
The first step in locating a leak is to check your water meter, to see if the meter is registering usage when there is no water running in your home. If there is water passing through the meter, check for dripping faucets, toilets and showers. Walk around your yard and see if water is pooling anywhere and check your crawl space and garage. Fixing a leak can be quick and easy, and often the repair is not costly. However, the water that is wasted can quickly add up to an expensive water bill. Please see our Water Leak Brochure for more information on finding a leak.
What unit of measure is my water usage billed in?
CCF = 100 cubic feet. Each CCF is approximately 748 gallons.
How is my sewer usage determined?
Sewer is not metered, the sewer volume charge for a single-family residence is based on whichever is less: actual water usage or water usage determined from the first meter reading cycle of the calendar year (i.e. the winter sewer limit).
If your service begins during or after the first billing cycle of the calendar year, sewer billed usage will not exceed 10CCF.
How often will I receive a bill for water and sewer service?
Water and sewer customers are billed every two months.
When is my bill due?
Payment is due 30 days from the date of your bill.
What if I need more time to pay my bill, can I get an extension?
Contact the DPU Customer Service Call Center at 804-501-4275. Hours of operation are 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday, except for County Holidays. A representative will be available to help you with your request. We encourage customers to have their most recent bill available when they call and to have determined based on your budget what payment arrangements you are requesting.
Account Setup
How do I set up water, sewer, and refuse collection services at my address?
Contact the DPU Customer Service Call Center at 804-501-4275. You can also go to our website and fill out an online application for service.
Owners should have their real estate agent or closing attorney’s name and contact phone number. Tenant’s should have their landlord’s name, mailing address, and contact phone number.
What fees are associated with setting up an account?
The first bill for a new water or sewer account includes a customer setup charge of $14.00.
Is there a deposit?
Owners are not charged a deposit. Tenants are charged a $100.00 deposit. For information on the waiver of deposit please see County Code section 23-328.
How do I cancel service at my address?
Contact the DPU Customer Service Call Center at 804-501-4275.
Meter Installation
What is AMR?
AMR stands for Automated Meter Reading. The Henrico County Department of Public Utilities (DPU) will be replacing existing water meters with an electronic transmitting device in order to provide better service to our customers. This wireless technology that the AMR system uses can assure customers of a timely and reliable reading resulting in an accurate bill without having to gain access to your property.
How does AMR work?
Using wireless radio transmitters, AMR remotely reads customer meters and transfers the date into the Henrico County DPU billing system. Each meter has a unique identification number that ensures only your reading is assigned to your account. This system reduces the need for meter readers to manually gather meter readings each month. Once the AMR system is fully implemented, DPU expects to read about 5,000 meter per day, a substantial increase over the 300 we currently read each day.
Is my account information secure?
Yes. Only meter readings and meter numbers are transmitted. The transmitter installed is specifically coded to your account and meter serial number. Personal customer information will be not be transmitted.
Do I have to be home for the meter replacement work?
Since the water meters are located outside of the home, you will not need to be home for the replacement work. We will leave a notice at your door explaining the status of the work. If for some reason the work could not be completed, you will need to call the number on the notice for further explanation.
How will I know the person at my door is working on this project?
Henrico DPU has hired two companies for the AMR project; Elster AMCO Water, Inc. is the main project contractor and Corix Utilities is the installation contractor. They will be wearing proper identification as well as driving vehicles with the company’s name. Henrico DPU will also be notifying you about two weeks prior to the AMR installation that someone will be coming to perform the meter replacement.
How long will it take to install my meter?
Under normal circumstances, the installation will take approximately 30 minutes. Your water service will be shut off for approximately 20-30 minutes while the meter is changed. Please be advised that there may be some trapped air or slight discoloration in the water when you are turned back on. This will clear up after running your water for a few moments.
How do I know that my reading is accurate?
These state-of-the-art water meters have electronic registers, which verifies the meter reading three times before it is sent to the transmitting unit. This reading is deemed more accurate than visually reading the meter.
Do I need to maintain the AMR meter?
No. Henrico County DPU is responsible for all maintenance. Do not tamper with the devices or attempt to make adjustments. If you think something is wrong with the equipment, please call (804) 501-4275.
Will the radio interfere with my television, cordless phone or other electronic devices?
No, the radio transmission operates in compliance with FCC regulations to avoid interference with other electronic devices.
Will I see a change in my service after AMR is installed?
Once the AMR system is operating, the only significant change to your utility service will be that meter readers will not need to visit your property monthly to collect the reading. They will be able to get the reading as they drive along your street. Service personnel may visit the meter periodically to confirm proper operation or perform routine maintenance.
Is there anything I have to do to prepare for the installation?
Please make sure that there are no obstructions around your meter that may hamper access to the meter.
Where is my water meter located?
The majority of the meters in the County are located in underground pits near the street.
What happens if I have a problem after the installation?
If you have a leak, low pressure or some other problem as a direct result of the installation, please contact Corix Utilities. For any billing problems or requests for other services provided by Henrico DPU, please contact our customer service department at (804) 501-7540.