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Solid Waste

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The Solid Waste Division offers a variety of services to Henrico residents and businesses. These activities include:

  • Curbside trash collection in many areas of the County
  • Curbside recycling to all customers that reside in single family homes accessible from the county streets.
  • Household trash drop-off at two public use areas
  • Drop off recycling centers throughout the County
  • Bulky waste curbside pick-up
  • Bagged leaf collection
  • Neighborhood cleanups

Our operations are governed locally by Chapter 17 of the County Ordinance and regulated by the Commonwealth through the Virginia Code 9 VAC 20-81-00.

Springfield Road Public Use Area (West End)

10600 Fords Country Lane Glen Allen, VA 23059 Telephone: (804) 727-8770

Charles City Road Public Use Area (East End)

2075 Charles City Road Henrico, VA 23231 Telephone: (804) 727-8770

Mailing Address
PO Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected]


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