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Henrico County general government offices, facilities & courts are closed Tuesday, Feb. 11 due to inclement weather

View consultant reports on Henrico County’s response to the water crisis

Industrial Pretreatment Program

The Water Reclamation Facility for Henrico County, Virginia is a 75 mgd regional POTW with 1800 miles of sanitary sewer ranging in size from 8 inches to 84 inches. There is always the potential for an industrial discharge that is not compatible with the biological nature of the facility, thereby causing an upset. Pollutants may also pass-through the facility to the historic James River and cause an environmental problem for the river and our neighbors along the estuary. Bio-solids are dewatered and, by separate contract, applied to farmers’ fields as a soil amendment. Whether the liquid is discharged to the James River, or, the solids are applied to a farmer’s field, it is essential that an Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) continuously identifies potential significant industrial users, and permits their discharges.

The General Pretreatment Regulations require identification of all possible Industrial Users which might be subject to the Pretreatment Program. The Henrico County Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) program continuously monitors the types of commercial or industrial customers being connected to our system. If there is any question about the nature of the business, an Industrial Waste Survey form is provided to that customer. This form must be completed and returned to the Monitoring & Compliance Section within 60 days of receipt.

If an industrial customer is deemed a Significant Industrial User, as defined by Pretreatment Regulations, the user is issued an Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. The Monitoring and Compliance Section conducts wastewater sampling and facility inspections of all significant industrial users throughout the County.

For additional information regarding the Industrial Pretreatment Program, please contact Ryan Smeltz, Water Quality Compliance Supervisor at (804) 501-7609.

Enforcement Response Plan (.pdf)

Discharge Application/Industrial Waste Survey (Microsoft Word format)

Industrial Waste Survey (Short Form) (Microsoft Word format)

Dental Amalgam Rule

Strong Waste Program

Liquid Hauled Waste Program

Strong Waste | Liquid Hauled Waste | Directions to WRF (Microsoft Word format)

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