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Tag: Fairfield

headshot photo of Roscoe D. Cooper III

Supervisor Roscoe D. Cooper III

Fairfield District

Henrico Board of Supervisors approves proposed budget for fiscal 2024-25

Proposed Budget Cover Fy25 Cropped 3

Plan retains 85-cent real estate rate, supports RECAP program, doubles BPOL exemption, advances bond projects, reinvests in education, safety, employees

UPDATE: The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously April 9 to adopt the county’s proposed budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The approved budget added $4.5 million to create a reserve fund for Henrico County Public Schools to expand planning periods at elementary schools and $89,500 to fund a community health worker position. It also adjusted funding for several nondepartmental agencies.

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Henrico CARES signals ‘call to action’ to strengthen youth mental health services

Henricocares Logo Only

Plan focuses on service access, coordination, navigation in schools, community

With children and teenagers struggling more than ever with depression, sadness and hopelessness, Henrico County and Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS) are implementing a plan to strengthen access to high-quality mental health services by making them more available in schools and expanding efforts focused on prevention, support, and early and intensive intervention.

Continue reading Henrico CARES signals ‘call to action’ to strengthen youth mental health services

Oaths administered to incoming supervisors, School Board members, constitutional officers, Henricopolis directors

Investiture School Board

The members of Henrico County’s next Board of Supervisors and School Board as well as its constitutional officers and Henricopolis directors have been sworn in to begin serving their terms on Jan. 1.

“Welcome, we all look forward to working with you and seeing you succeed as a group,” County Manager John A. Vithoulkas said at the conclusion of the Henrico County 2024 Investiture, which was held Dec. 15 at the Henrico Sports & Events Center.

Continue reading Oaths administered to incoming supervisors, School Board members, constitutional officers, Henricopolis directors

‘Welcome to Showtime’: Community celebrates new Sports & Events Center

Ribbon-cutting at Sports & Events Center

Hundreds of residents, supporters and community members packed the entrance and lobby of the Henrico Sports & Events Center to celebrate the opening of the massive facility that will host games, tournaments, graduations and other events. 

The 185,000-square-foot venue began hosting tournaments and other events in late October, but officials reserved the formal dedication and ribbon-cutting for the Community Celebration event, which was held Dec. 4 and welcomed in the public with music, games and giveaways.

  Continue reading ‘Welcome to Showtime’: Community celebrates new Sports & Events Center

From ‘great lighting’ to ‘new arena smell,’ Henrico Sports & Events Center shines for A-10 Media Day


Atlantic 10 Commissioner Bernadette V. McGlade said she was impressed by the clean, fresh aroma when she stepped inside the new Henrico Sports & Events Center.

It’s almost like when you say, a new car smell. Well, this is a new arena smell, and it’s really nice, McGlade said Thursday in an interview with ESPN’s Angel Gray at the conference’s Media Day event.

Continue reading From ‘great lighting’ to ‘new arena smell,’ Henrico Sports & Events Center shines for A-10 Media Day

Fairfield meeting Oct. 16 to feature local candidates, Thornton’s farewell message

O'bannon Way 4 Thornton
Henrico County Board of Supervisors Chairman and Fairfield District Supervisor Frank J. Thornton will hold his final Fairfield Constituent Meeting on Monday, Oct. 16 to highlight local candidates in the Nov. 7 general election and to share a farewell message as he prepares to retire. Continue reading Fairfield meeting Oct. 16 to feature local candidates, Thornton’s farewell message

Tourist spending in Henrico exceeds $1.7 billion in 2022

Tourism 2023

County poised for continued growth with Sports & Events Center opening in fall

Visitors spent more than $1.7 billion in Henrico during 2022. That's the highest total of any locality in central Virginia and the fifth highest in Virginia, according to an annual study for the Virginia Tourism Corp.

Henrico’s total includes sales of $406 million on food and beverage, $226 million on lodging, $165 million on retail, $167 million on recreation and about $754 million on transportation. Overall, spending by tourists and other visitors to Henrico jumped by 27.2% from 2021.

Continue reading Tourist spending in Henrico exceeds $1.7 billion in 2022

Henrico RECAP program would lock in real estate tax bills of qualifying owners


Tax relief program for seniors, disabled homeowners would build on REAP Program

Henrico County is proposing a tax relief program that would cap the real estate tax bills of qualifying homeowners who are older or disabled, helping to mitigate the higher costs associated with rising property values.

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Pedestrian improvements to greet students as new school year begins Monday

Pedestrian Crosswalk 2

Henrico County has prepared for a safe start to the school year by adding crosswalks, signs with flashing lights and other pedestrian improvements near several schools.

By Tuckahoe Elementary School, crews recently built additional sections of sidewalk with ADA ramps along Forest Avenue as well as a crosswalk with a 6-foot-by-12-foot pedestrian refuge island at Forest and Silverspring Drive.

Continue reading Pedestrian improvements to greet students as new school year begins Monday

Henrico EDA approves purchase of Scott Farm for GreenCity development

Gc Formerproperties

Authority also authorizes agreement with Markel|Eagle for residential portion

Henrico County is excited to announce Markel|Eagle Partners LLC as another partner for the development of the $2.3 billion GreenCity “eco-district.”

The announcement comes as the Henrico Economic Development Authority (EDA) today approved agreements to secure a key property for the more than 200-acre development.

Continue reading Henrico EDA approves purchase of Scott Farm for GreenCity development

Henrico Board of Supervisors approves real estate tax credit for 2nd consecutive year

Taxrebate 2023

Henrico will return $11.2 million in surplus taxes to residential and business property owners.

Each credit will be issued in an amount equal to 2 cents per $100 of the real estate’s taxable value.

Credits of $30 or more will be paid in 95,000 checks issued in September. Amounts less than $30 will be applied directly on 16,000 bills.

Continue reading Henrico Board of Supervisors approves real estate tax credit for 2nd consecutive year
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