Watch Out Ahead Henrico (WOAH!)

Watch Out Ahead Henrico (WOAH!) is a public-awareness campaign to promote safer streets for everyone.

Woah Master Orange

Vehicle crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists are on the rise, often leading to serious or fatal injuries. The problem is occurring across the country and throughout Virginia.

In October 2023, the Henrico County Police Division, in collaboration with Henrico County Government, revamped the former “Watch Your Step!” campaign to ensure there was public safety-awareness for all methods of travel on county roads:

  • by foot
  • by bicycle
  • by motor vehicle

WOAH! was created to have our community members say that very phrase. Staying alert and aware of your surroundings is what makes the difference in preventing these types of crashes.

In 2023, Henrico County had:
87 CRASHES involving PEDESTRIANS resulting in 9 FATALITIES, and
23 CRASHES involving BICYCLISTS resulting in ONE FATALITY.

Make Safety Your Top Priority!

We all play a role in making sure each and every person traveling across Henrico County gets to where they’re going safely.

Henrico County Police has teamed up with Henrico County Government to hand out WOAH! reflective vests to community members who could best utilize them.

Woah Vest

If you are in need of a reflective vest, you can pick one up at the following locations:

  • Henrico County Public Safety Building (7721 E. Parham Rd., Henrico, VA 23294)
  • Henrico Police Central Station (7850 Villa Park Dr., Henrico, VA 23228)
  • Henrico Police South Station (640 N. Airport Drive, Henrico, VA 23075)

Hours of business can be found here. Vests can also be picked up at both County Government Centers, all Henrico County libraries and Recreation Centers.

Kids’ sized WOAH! vests are now available at limited locations across Henrico County.

  • Henrico County Public Safety Building (7721 E. Parham Rd., Henrico, VA 23294)
  • Henrico Police Central Station (7850 Villa Park Dr., Henrico, VA 23228)
  • Henrico Police South Station (640 N. Airport Road, Henrico, VA 23075)

Vests can also be picked up at both County Government Centers, all Henrico County libraries and Recreation Centers.

Image is of two children holding hands wearing a WOAH! children's sized reflective vest

Whether you’re traveling by car, bike, bus or foot, remain alert and avoid distractions, including mobile phones, headphones and other devices.


  • Stay alert and obey all traffic laws
  • Slow down around pedestrians and bicyclists, including at crosswalks and in areas where parked cars may obstruct views
  • Leave at least 3 feet of space to the left of bicyclists when passing or overtaking them


  • Use sidewalks and crosswalks where they are available
  • Walk or run facing traffic if sidewalks are not available
  • Assume drivers can’t see you, especially at night
  • Wear bright or reflective clothing and walk in well-lit areas away from parked cars and other obstacles


  • Follow the rules of the road as if you were a motorist, as required by Virginia law
  • Wear a helmet and bright or reflective clothing
  • Be predictable, use proper hand signals and avoid sudden movements
  • Use front and rear lights at night, as required by Virginia law
Henrico is committed to providing an efficient and safe transportation network for residents and the traveling public. The Department of Public Works has an active program to construct sidewalks along county-maintained roads. Additionally, the regional public transit system, GRTC, can be accessed throughout Henrico County.

Traffic Crash Data

More Traffic Crash data is available in the Police Division’s Annual Public Crime Data.

Help spread the word. Download a shareable image.

Contact Us


7721 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23294

Police Non-Emergency
(804) 501-5000
General Information
(804) 501-4800

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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Social Media Policy 
Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.
Please call 911 if you have an emergency.

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