Service |
Alarm Security System Registration – Commercial Henrico County's Alarm Ordinance requires registration of security alarm systems for businesses and residences. |
Alarm Security System Registration – Residential Henrico County's Alarm Ordinance requires registration of security alarm systems for businesses and residences. |
Alarm-False Alarm Bill Payment Pay your bill for a false alarm fee or reinstate emergency response to your security alarm at your business or residence. |
Business and Commercial Services Henrico Police provides support to business owners through Community Officers, programs, and resources. |
Business Watch Program A working partnership between local businesses and Henrico Police, the goal of Business Watch is to reduce crime in and around the workplace as well as in the community. |
Child Safety Seat Check-up By appointment only, learn from the experts about correct child safety seat installation and more. |
Child Victim Investigations: Navigating the Unthinkable Detailed steps and information on what to expect, in general, during the course of an investigation in which a child is victimized. |
Citizens and Senior Citizens Police Academy Have you ever wondered what it's like to be the person behind the badge? Enroll in one of our Citizens Police Academies to find out! |
Community Policing Learn more about Henrico Police Community Services section, its Community Policing unit and who your community officer is. |
Community Presentations You may request an officer or crime prevention specialist to speak at or attend your next meeting or event. We offer a variety of topics and programs to choose from. |
Community Resource Guide The Community Resource Guide provides solutions to crime and quality-of-life concerns in your community. |
Compliment a Henrico Police Officer/Employee Formally compliment a Henrico Police Officer or Employee |
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Learn how the Division applies CPTED principles to new and existing development in Henrico County to increase safety and help prevent crime. |
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Crisis Intervention Team is a community partnership bringing together first responders and area stakeholders for the common goals of safety, understanding, and caring for the needs of the mentally ill and their families. |
Exotic Animals In addition to the county Zoning Ordinance, Henrico follows state law regulations regarding exotic animals. These laws apply in Henrico and are subject to change. |
Faith Community Coalition The Faith Community Coalition is a crime prevention program designed for those mainly in the administrative level in Henrico's faith community, but all are welcome. |
File a Report Online: Duty Officer Reporting System In 2025, the Henrico County Police Division launched an online reporting system called “Duty Officer Reporting System” (DORS). This is an opportunity for citizens to file police reports via the internet for certain incidents. Please note, if this is an emergency or crime in progress, please call 911. |
File Complaint Against Police Officer/Employee File a formal complaint against the Henrico County Police Division, an officer or employee. |
Fingerprints Get fingerprinted for employment or any other need dictated by law, except for Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) purposes. |
Funeral Escort Request – Form Request form - Police escort for a funeral procession. |
Fuzz Buddy Program Donate a new stuffed animal to support this program. |
Henrico Police Apartment Coalition (HPAC) The Police Division invites all multi-family housing community managers and owners to join HPAC. |
Henrico Police Athletic League (PAL) Support, join, or volunteer for this program that serves Henrico County youths in grades K-12. |
Hire an Off-duty Police Officer Request to hire an off-duty officer for your event, program, religious facility, business, traffic direction, etc. |
Home or Business Security Audit You may request a free Security Audit of your home or business to learn how to make it more secure and to prevent crime. |
Intercultural Liaison Partnership The Henrico Police Intercultural Liaison Partnership (ILP) is designed to strengthen relationships with Henrico County’s culturally-diverse communities. The Division's goal is to build trust within these communities by learning from one another and breaking down barriers. We want to ensure every member of every community knows Henrico Police is here to support them and promote their safety. |
Marcus Alert Database The Marcus alert is a voluntary database to be made available to the 9-1-1 alert system and the Marcus alert system to provide relevant mental health information and emergency contact information for appropriate response to an emergency or crisis. |
Neighborhood Watch Join Neighborhood Watch to become part of this citizen-police crime fighting partnership. |
Permit – Adult Business An Adult Business Permit is required to open an adult oriented/adults only business in Henrico County. |
Permit – Block Party If you want to hold a block party in your neighborhood, a permit is required. |
Permit – Dance Hall Dance Hall Permit Application |
Permit – Parade/Marathon Parade or Marathon Permit Application |
Permit – Pawnbroker To become a pawnbroker in Henrico County, you must meet certain requirements and get a permit. |
Permit – Precious Metals and Gems Dealer Precious Metals and Gems Dealer Permit Application |
Permit – Retired Henrico Police Officer Concealed Weapons Renewal Retired Henrico Police Officer Concealed Weapons Permit Renewal Application |
Permit – Taxi Taxi Driver Permit and/or Taxicab Owner Permit |
Permit/License – Automatic Weapons Applications must be obtained from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The Division of Police only assists by conducting a local investigation. |
Police Reports, Records and Freedom of Information Act The Henrico Police Criminal Records Unit provides the public with a variety of police records and oversees Freedom of Information Act requests. |
Police Ride-Along Program Designed to promote a greater understanding of the police officer's role in the community, the Henrico Police Ride-Along Program is available to community members interested in working or getting involved in law enforcement. |
Public Safety Cadets Program Prepares young adults, ages 14-20 for careers and leadership in the public safety profession. |
Rabies Vaccination for Domestic Animals Have your pet vaccinated at one of our four clinics held annually. |
Rape and Sexual Assault Investigations: Navigating the Unthinkable Detailed steps and information of what to expect, in general, during the course of a rape or sexual assault investigation. |
Report Criminal Fraud in Henrico |
Search Arrest Charge Reports Search the arrest reports. |
Search Calls for Service Reports Search for all Calls for Dispatch. |
Search Incident Crime Reports Find out where crimes have been reported in Henrico County. |
Senior Services The Police Division offers several services and programs to seniors to help keep them safe from becoming targets of the latest crime or scam. |
Shared Mobility Device Permit The demonstration project places certain restrictions on the operation and renting of these devices in order to ensure the safety of County residents. |
Traffic Complaints If you have complaints about motorists that speed through your neighborhood or other traffic safety issues, there are steps you can take to correct these situations. |
Trespassing Enforcement Authorization This form is used to authorize the Henrico County Police Division to serve as persons lawfully in charge of your property located in the County of Henrico for purposes of enforcing the trespassing laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Henrico, Virginia and forbidding others from trespassing on your property. |
U-Visa and T-Visa Certification Applications The U-Visa and T-Visa certification applications may be certified by law enforcement for nonimmigrant status individuals who are victims of certain crimes and who are currently assisting or have previously assisted law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of a crime, or who are likely to be helpful in the investigation or prosecution. |
Victim / Witness Assistance Program If you have been the victim of a crime or have witnessed a crime, your participation in the criminal justice process is important. The legal process, frequently long and complicated, often fails to address the unique needs of victims. However, our advocates are available to make sure that these needs are addressed. |
Volunteers in Policing (VIPs) Volunteer opportunities are available with the Police Division from administrative to motorist assistance. |
Warrant Letters Since the 1990s, the Henrico County Police Division’s Records Management Section has worked with the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office’s Warrant Services Unit to notify defendants that an arrest warrant has been issued for their arrest. |
Youth Police Academy One week each summer, Henrico County students, ages 14-17, can experience what it's like to be a Henrico Police Officer in the Henrico Youth Police Academy. |