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Legislative Program

Advocacy & Legislative Priorities

Lobbying services are provided by the County legislative team headed by, Legislative Liaison Michael Schnurman and the Deputy County Managers.The Legislative Liaison serves as the primary advocate with the U.S. Congress and federal agencies and the Virginia General Assembly, Governor’s Office, and state agencies on behalf of the County. Team representatives appear before numerous committee and subcommittee hearings on behalf of the County to address legislative issues. Members of the legislative team work closely with legislative staff to develop amending language to various bills and resolutions.

Michael welcomes your input into Henrico’s local, state, and federal priorities and can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at (804) 501-4912.

Henrico County is a member of the following organizations, which advocate on behalf of local governments to the Commonwealth of Virginia:

National Association of Counties (NACo)
Virginia Association of Counties (VACo)
Virginia Local Government Managers Association (VLGMA)

Legislative Documents:

Legislative Information System

Virginia Code Commission with links to the:



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