Arrive Alive Henrico is the County’s plan to improve transportation safety for all road users, regardless of how they navigate around the County.
Henrico County received funding from the Department of Transportation to develop Arrive Alive Henrico. The funding was provided through Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), which promotes transportation safety by supporting efforts to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries.
Arrive Alive Henrico will be developed through a four-step process: identifying issues and opportunities, establishing priorities, developing strategies, and crafting the plan.

Board of Supervisors Commitment
On December 3, 2024, the County of Henrico, Virginia, Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an SS4A commitment letter resolution aligned with Virginia’s 2022-2026 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The resolution states that the county is committed to reducing roadway fatalities and serious injuries by more than 50 percent by 2035.
Public Engagement: Winter 2025
The second phase of public engagement occurred in early 2025. The second phase introduced and prioritized potential safety countermeasures, and included:
- Five pop-up community events
- A public meeting
The purpose was to introduce and prioritize potential safety countermeasures for Henrico County. Key takeaways include:
- Engineering received the highest priority amongst the three safety approaches from the pop-up event participants (283), with bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure ranking as the highest countermeasure for engineering
- Education received the next highest prioritization amongst the three safety measures from pop-up event participants (206), with nighttime awareness and visibility ranking as the highest countermeasure prioritized
- Enforcement received a total of 173 votes for prioritization from the pop-up event participants with addressing distracted driving ranking as the highest countermeasure
Informational materials presented during the second round of engagement included:
- Arrive Alive Henrico Overview
- The Four E’s of Roadway Safety
- Public Engagement Round 1 Results
- Emphasis Area
- High Injury Network
Public Engagement: Summer 2024
The first round of public engagement occurred from May to August 2024 and included:
- Five pop-up community events
- An online survey
- A public meeting
- A work session with stakeholders who work on transportation safety in Henrico County. 11 organizations that serve Henrico County were represented.
The purpose was to identify transportation safety concerns of road users throughout the county. Key takeaways included:
- A need for additional pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure
- Unsafe driver behaviors related to distracted driving and speeding
- Infrastructure and public educational campaigns as critical elements to improving roadway safety in Henrico County
Spring Public Meeting Presentation
English Fact Sheet
Spanish Fact Sheet
The county is committed to making improvements to the roadway network to reduce the number of serious injuries and fatalities—but success is dependent on a partnership with all road users. Public meeting participants committed to roadway safety actions related to pedestrians, drivers, and passengers. How can you commit to being a safer road user?
How Can You Help?
Henrico County is committed to making improvements to the roadway network to address roadway safety but needs your help to drive down the number of fatalities and serious injuries. Can you commit to being a safer road user? Consider holding yourself, your family, and your friends accountable to the following safe actions.

- Drive appropriate speeds
- Buckle up
- Put your phone down
- Don’t drive when under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Be vigilant about pedestrians and bicyclists, especially at intersections
- Share the road with bicyclists
- Stop to allow pedestrians to cross at crosswalks

- Obey all traffic signs and signals
- Equip bicycles with proper lights
- Wear reflective clothin

- Cross roadways at crosswalks when available
- Wait for the “Walk” symbol when crossing at signalized intersections
- Don’t walk distracted, especially when crossing
- Wear reflective clothing
- Be aware of surroundings

- Provide Directions
- Control the music
- Be the designated texter
- Don’t let anyone drive when under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Henrico County is committed to reducing roadway fatalities and serious injures.
To help achieve this goal, I commit to:
- Be vigilant about pedestrians and bicyclists, especially at intersections.
- As a driver I will be alert and watch for pedestrians.
- Wear reflective vest when walking. Be aware of surroundings.
- Stop to allow pedestrians to cross at crosswalk.
- Put phone down, even as a pedestrian.
- Be sure to use crosswalks always.
Check back often for the latest updates
We are committed to providing an efficient and safe transportation network, and your involvement is key to our success.
For more information, email the project team at [email protected].
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